Gracile Australopithecus, such as Australopithecus afarensis, had a more slender build and smaller molars, suggesting a more varied diet. Robust Australopithecus, like Australopithecus robustus, had a more robust skull and larger molars, indicating a diet of tougher plant foods. These differences reflect adaptations to different ecological niches within early hominin evolution.
from the song "lucy in the sky with diamonds".. this is right but the story behind the naming was incomplete. Don Johanson was closely examining the remains when he got that clue that it was a female bone. The song Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds was gently playing while Johanson is sipping through a bottle of beer. ( Source : Reader's Digest, 1983)
Gyrfalcons typically live up to 13-15 years in the wild, but can live into their 20s in captivity with proper care.
The australopithecus lived in a grassland and savanna of Africa
They lived in caves
The apple heads (traditional Siamese) live till their 20s, the more modern Siamese may die sooner if badly bred.
africa,afar triangle
In Tanzania, Ethiopia.
in Scotland
Lucy lived in Ethiopia.
Australopithecus did not live in caves or build houses. They are believed to have primarily inhabited open grasslands and constructed simple shelters out of branches, leaves, and brush.
The Australopithecus lived mainly outdoors and either foraged or hunted for its food. They took shelter in tall trees. The Australopithecus lived in woodland areas of Africa about 3.8 million years ago.
3 to 4 million years ago B.C.E
Australopithicus Aferensis lived in B.C.E.