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Yes, he did.

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Q: Did Darwin find that some of the species on the Galapagos islands resembled species of the South American mainland?
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Are the Galapagos islands part of Oceania?

No, the Galapagos Islands are considered to belong to the South American continent. They are around 1000 km from the South American mainland and are part of the country Ecuador.

What islands lay off the west coast of the equator in south America?

Galapagos Islands

What country does the Galapagos Island belong to?

The Galapagos Islands are a part of Ecuador.

What is the currency in the Galapagos Islands?

The American dollar is the currency of Galapagos Islands, same as Ecuador which is the country that Galapagos is part of.

What continent are the Galapagos Islands on?

They are group of volcanic islands lying along the equator in the Pacific Ocean west of the mainland of Ecuador. Thus, they are not on a continent but lie west of the South American continent in the Pacific Ocean.

What countries home of the galapagos Islands?

The Galapagos Islands are part of the South American country Ecuador.

What cardinal direction would you steer your boat to travel from Ecuador to the Galapagos Islands?

The Galapagos Islands lie approximately 1000 kms west of the mainland of Ecuador. So head West!

What explains the distribution of finch species on the Galapagos Islands?

They had descended with modification from a common mainland ancestor.

How did Darwin explain the difference between species on the Galapagos Islands and on the mainland of South America?

Darwin proposed that species on the Galapagos Islands had evolved from a common ancestor found on the South American mainland. He observed variations in species on the islands that were adaptations to different environments, leading to the formation of new species over time through natural selection and isolation.

What is the absolute and relative locations of the Galapagos islands?

The absolute location of the Galapagos Islands is approximately 1,000 kilometers west of mainland Ecuador in the Pacific Ocean. The relative location of the Galapagos Islands is that they are situated at the confluence of several ocean currents, which has contributed to their unique ecosystem and biodiversity.

Where are the Galapagos islands located?

The Galapagos Islands are located in the Pacific Ocean, about 600 miles west of Ecuador's mainland, the country to which they belong. The archipelago consists of 18 main islands and several smaller ones.

Giant turtles are found on which South American islands?

Galapagos Islands