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No, of course not. Evidence does not prove evolution - it validates the theory.

Evidence which Darwin had included limited fossils, and observed apparent speciation in birds.

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Q: Did Charles Darwin have evidence to prove evolution?
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Did Charles Darwin has scientific proof of his evolution theory?

Charles Darwin provided evidence for his theory of evolution through observations of various species during his travels, as well as through his study of fossils and artificial selection in domesticated animals. While he did not have access to the genetic knowledge we have today, his theory has been supported by subsequent discoveries in genetics, paleontology, and other fields of science.

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there is no actual way to prove whether or not we evolved (Charles Darwin's theory of evolution) or if we were created by god. my answer is no. i say that we were created by god. but that is my opinion.

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They can't prove anything about Charles Darwin's evolution. Here's the thing they cant prove, along with everything else, humans being able to reason. Apes can't do that, they do everything by instinct.

Is Darwin's theory proven?

Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection is well-supported by scientific evidence from various fields, such as fossil records, genetics, and comparative anatomy. While science does not "prove" theories in the same way that mathematical theorems are proven, overwhelming evidence supports the validity of Darwin's theory.

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Charles Darwin traveled all around the world trying to prove his theory of evolution, when he traveled to Rio de janeiro he started looking for evidence in animals, however he discoved a club, drank way to much, and found an incredibly hot woman and made sweet, sweet love with her till his a boss

What evidence did scientist use to support evolution theory?

First of all, evolution is a FACT not a theory. You must be referring to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by means of natural selection. There is no denying the fact that evolution happens, scientists just didn't know exactly how it worked until Darwin suggested one plausible scientific explanation which he called natural selection. Natural selection is simply the change in allele frequencies of an organism which results that organism becoming either better or worse suited to survive in its environment. Being better suited to survive means that the organism is more likely to pass on the beneficial genetic trait to it's offspring. Rather than asking for evidence which helps prove evolution, try looking for verifiable scientific evidence which disproves it. After all, science is not about making claims and looking for evidence to prove them, but rather generating hypothesis and looking for ways to disprove them.

Does evidence prove or disprove evolution?

The overwhelming scientific consensus based on a vast amount of evidence from multiple fields, such as genetics, paleontology, and comparative anatomy, overwhelmingly supports the theory of evolution. There is no credible scientific evidence that disproves evolution.

Who used Mars to help prove a new concept for the solar system?

MY DICK ;) jk but its charles darwin

How did Gregor Mendel's experiments prove Charles Darwin's theory of evolution wrong?

That traits can be inherited directly from a parent -- blending of traits does not always happen. For example, if one fertilized a green pea with a yellow pea, it was completely possible to get a fully green pea, instead of a greenish-yellow one.

Which type of evidence for evolution is most accurate in determining evolutionary relationships-morphology or molecular?

You could never get any type of evidence to prove untrue things...

What does a genographic project entail?

The genographic project analyzes human DNA to learn about where we came from. It also helps to show us our origin and prove the theories of Darwin and evolution.

Does Eusthenopteron prove Evolution?

Eusthenopteron is a link in a chain of evidence supporting evolution. Transitional forms have been found that are elements of its development from a fish that lived entirely in the ocean to the tetrapods that walked on land. These progressive changes spanned million of years in the late Devonian, from the fish Eusthenopteron, through Tiktaalik, and Acanthostega, to the oldest known tetrapod, Ichthyostega. Eusthenopteron was fish in the ocean, but a portion of that ocean became landlocked and is now part of Pennsylvania. In Darwin's evolution there are mechanisms for development of new genetic information. One of them is described by Ilya Prigogine. Another is Lamarck's evolution (this requires a feedback loop), which is a subset of Darwin's evolution. A third is... well, I'll leave it to you to research on your own.