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i have no clue. i have a hamster who is very upbeat and runs around, i showed him to my dog to get them used to each other and since then he has been very slow and sluggish. i am worried myself

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6mo ago

Introducing a predator like a cat to a hamster is highly stressful and can potentially cause harm, even leading to a heart attack due to extreme fear. It is important to keep these animals separate to ensure the safety and well-being of both pets.

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Q: Could you give your hamster a heartattack by showing him your cat?
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Your hamster is sick where does it have to go to get treatment?

If your hamster is showing any signs of illness, it is best for you to take it to the vet. They will tell you what the problem is and give your hamster treatment. For more information you could use websites and books. Hope this helped!

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They're too sugary for you to give a hamster a whole one. You could give them a small piece, that won't hurt.

What can you do for a paralyzed hamster?

Leave the hamster alone in a quiet area where it will not be disturbed so it could recover. after the hamster is able to walk around, go to the vet and give the hamster a check up.

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I give my hamster lettuce, celery ,spinach, carrots ,and other leafy greens.

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will you marry me??? he siad woo not give a heartattack....

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No, its sticky and could get stuck in their thoats.

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Hamsters are active pets that like to play. You could give the hamster the name Zany.

What if you bath your hamster what will happen?

You do not want to put your hamster in water, it could drown. To give a hamster a ''bath'' you can use a barely damp wash cloth and stroke it down it's body.

Could roborovski hamsters choke on bamboo sticks?

yes it could. i would rather not give your hamster a bamboo stick as a treat or anything else. whatever you do dont feed it to your hamster! :)

Can you give hamster 0.5 mg lorazepam so can cut teeth?

That's really dangerous, you better go to the vet, you could kill your hamster.

You found lost hamster she is skinny and very wobbly what do you do?

you could put the hamster under a light bulb and give it pices of fruit hope it helps

Do you keep skin on cucumber to a hamster?

i wouldnt give cucumber to a hamster as its very watery and can give your hamster dihareaa