A noisy stomach in animals means that the digestive system is working properly.
Cats' stomachs rumble due to hunger, digestion, or the movement of gas and fluids within their digestive system. It's a normal bodily function, similar to a human's stomach growling, and is typically nothing to worry about unless accompanied by other symptoms like vomiting or diarrhea.
Because it is a way to clean their stomachs like what happens when dogs eat grass
Cats may vomit due to a variety of reasons such as ingesting hairballs, eating too quickly, food allergies, or underlying health issues. Some cats may also regurgitate their food if they have sensitive stomachs or have ingested something that doesn't agree with them. It's important to monitor your cat's vomiting frequency and consult a vet if it becomes a recurring issue.
Chickens have one stomach, called the crop, where food is stored briefly before moving to the gizzard for digestion. The gizzard helps grind up the food with the help of small stones that the chicken swallows.
Mondo grass is not toxic to cats, but it can cause some gastrointestinal upset if ingested in large quantities. It's best to discourage your cat from eating it, as it may still cause digestive issues. Monitor your cat for any signs of illness if they have consumed mondo grass.
Yes, cats are obligate carnivores, which means they must eat meat to meet their nutritional needs. Their diet should primarily consist of animal-based proteins to provide essential nutrients like taurine.
Cats' stomachs hang due to a layer of fat that can accumulate in that area, especially as they age. This is a natural part of their anatomy and does not necessarily indicate a health problem.
Because (s)he wants you to rub his/her belly.
Cats' stomachs hang down due to the structure of their abdominal muscles and skin elasticity, which allows for flexibility and movement. This is a natural feature of their anatomy that helps them to stretch and move comfortably.
It would be super hard for their stomachs and I advise not to find out.
cats have a voice box, just like we do. They feel a rumble in the back of their throat and it comes out, a it like a hum.
No, but their stomachs feel somewhat hard when they have any types of worms.
Because it is a way to clean their stomachs like what happens when dogs eat grass
Stray Cats Rumble in Brixton - European Tour 2004 - Behind the Scenes 2004 V was released on: USA: 9 November 2004 Japan: 17 November 2004
Cats are mammals like us, so the brain is located in their head, the same as with all vertebrates.
Lion or tiger would be my bet. They ARE cats, and they DO purr- although it sounds more like a rumble.
Lee Rocker has: Played himself in "Blue Suede Shoes" in 1985. Played himself in "Stray Cats: Rumble in Brixton - Flashback" in 2004. Played himself in "Stray Cats: Rumble in Brixton - European Tour 2004 (Behind the Scenes)" in 2004. Played Himself - Bass and Background Vocals in "Stray Cats: Rumble in Brixton" in 2004. Played himself in "Social" in 2011. Played himself in "From Broadway with Love: A Benefit Concert for Sandy Hook" in 2013.