I guess to a certain extent you can. About 2-3 days ago i found this baby lizard in my house. she was the cutest thing! i caught her and i made a little habitat for her. I handle her quite a bite and she hasn't bitten me as yet. I feed her meal worms and she seems to be eating them quite find. As i am writing this she is sleeping on my chest! I ended up naming her Emma. But always remember, if you cought the lizard from the wild, the do spontanious things. You haft to have fast reflexes because at any moment then can jump and just run! Emma doesnt really jump unles I get startled and jump myself. I hope this helped and goodluck!
Kashmir Flying Squirrel was created in 1837.
It is a nickname for a red squirrel or flying squirrel
Yaks are wild and sometimes tame depending how/where they were bought up as young if they was bought up in the wild then they would be wild, if they were bought up in captivity or around humans/man kind then the will be tame but they cann always turn suddenly on you.
The genus of a flying squirrel is Pteromyini and the species can vary, but one common species is the Northern flying squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus). Flying squirrels are not capable of true flight like birds, but rather glide through the air using a membrane called a patagium that stretches between their front and hind limbs.
It is recommended to relocate a flying squirrel at least five miles away from the original location to prevent it from finding its way back. This distance helps reduce the chance of the flying squirrel returning to the house.
the flying squirrel can fly because it has extra skin close by its leg which ables it to fly ,to get the answer if you have cable press 41 to wild kratts and voila.
No, a flying squirrel is a mammal.
There are wild tanuki which is a sort of wild dog /raccoon. There are wild boars, Asian black bears, and squirrels including the Siberian flying squirrel.
Tame is where you have a animal that is perfectly OK around people
Answer is No
A Mammal. It is a squirrel. I had 3 pet flying squirrels when I was young.
The squirrel family are diurnal except for the flying squirrels. They are one of the few wild mammals that are active during day time.
You can tame wild dogs by giving them bones.
a bat is tame
Smoky Flying Squirrel was created in 1873.
Bartel's Flying Squirrel was created in 1939.
Kashmir Flying Squirrel was created in 1837.