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No offence..........that's disgusting u can get disease if they're not clean

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Q: Can you get thrush from licking cats?
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What does licking human hair by cats?

it means they love you!

Can you make a list of what eats a song thrush chick?

Foxes Cats Magpies

If cats lick themselves is it fair weather?

Cats licking themselves has nothing at all to do with the weather; its just the cats way of keeping himself clean.

How cat keep hygiene?

Cats keep themselves clean by licking their fur.

How do tigers clean their fur?

Like domestic cats, they groom themselves by licking.

Does the feliway diffuser stop cats excessivly licking themselves?

It depends why your cat is excessively licking himself. If stress is the trigger, then a Feliway Diffuser may help.

Why do cats get furballs?

By licking, or "bathing" themselves, they pick up loose fur, then retch.

Why do Pussy cats Lick themselves.?

Cats groom themselves by licking to maintain their cleanliness. It helps remove dirt, debris, and loose fur from their fur coat. Additionally, licking helps regulate their body temperature and provides a sense of comfort and relaxation for cats.

How can you tell when a cat is in season?

When it Is acting funny around male cats. It will be licking its place a lot

The furminator shampoo for cats us there a conditioner?

There is a Furminator conditioner for dogs, but not for cats. This is because cats clean themselves by licking, and the chemical residue left behind by a conditioner wouldn't be healthy.

How do cats lick their private body parts without throwing up?

Cats lick their private parts by throwing their heads back and licking themselves uncontrollably