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I am assuming that your bunnies are little.... there is no need to change the bedding in the nestbox unless, for some reason, it has become wet or otherwise fouled. The doe will keep her box clean until about 2 weeks when the babies will begin using the nest box as a litterbox until they are able to jump out freely. If your nest box has become dirty or wet, remove and save as much of the clean fur as you can. Remove the babies to a safe place (a shoe box or bowl) and dump the nest box, if the bottom of the nest box is wet you may have to replace the nest box with a new one. Fill the nest box with clean straw and then play mama bunny by making a small tunnel or indentation in the straw. Place some of the fur you saved in the bottom of the tunnel, replace the babies and cover with the remaining fur. Everything will be fine if you have washed your hands before you began and there are no soap, lotion or perfume smells on them. Sometimes it helps if you pet your doe before you go into her nest box. Then you have her smell on your hands. If you are nervous about changing out the nest box or your doe appears nervous you can dab a drop of vanilla on her nose and on the rim of the nest box. (If the fur is wet also or there simply is not enough of it and your doe does not pull anymore you may have to supplement the fur with cotton. Buy cotton balls, do not use out of medicine bottles. Take your scissors and cut cotton balls so that none of their fibers are longer than 1/2 inch. Longer fibers could get wrapped around tiny legs and cut off circulation. )

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Q: Can you change the bedding of baby rabbits now?
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What will happen if you don't change your hamsters bedding?

The hamster will probably get sick or will DIE if you don't change the bedding. So if you havent changed it DO IT NOW!!

Can rabbits eat cedar shavings?

No, rabbits should not eat cedar shavings. Cedar shavings can be toxic to rabbits when ingested, causing respiratory and digestive issues. It is best to use safe bedding options like aspen shavings or paper-based bedding for rabbits.

Why is your rabbit dragging its bedding about?

Rabbits may drag their bedding around for various reasons, such as creating a comfortable nesting area, rearranging to their liking, or looking for a hidden spot to rest or burrow. It can also be a natural behavior for them to mark their territory or alleviate boredom. However, if your rabbit's behavior seems excessive or concerning, it's best to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any potential health issues or stressors.

Why is a baby cat called a kitten?

They are not called kittens they are called kits. "Kit" is short for "kittens" and, yes, some people do call them the full name. Baby rabbits used to be called "rabbits" -- the adults were called "coneys" (pronounced to rhyme with "honey"). More and more people dropped the word "coney" and started calling the adult animal "rabbit"; at this point, "kitten" was tacked on to mean baby rabbits.

Why do people call their kids rabbits?

Hundreds of years ago, rabbits were called "coneys" (pronounced with a soft o, as in "honey"), and baby coneys were called "rabbits." Over time, the word coney was phased out, and the word rabbit came to be used for the adults; baby rabbits are now called "kittens" (or "kits"). The current nickname for rabbits, "bunnies," derives from their original name. Some languages still use the original name (e.g. the Spanish word for "rabbit" is "conejo"; the Dutch, "konijn"). Some species have the word "rabbit" in their name, like the jack rabbit, when they're not actually rabbits: e.g. jack rabbits are hares. Hares and rabbits are closely related, though (both lagomorphs). It's a common misconception that "bunny" means a baby rabbit. Baby rabbits are called "kits." The word "bunny" is just a nickname for "rabbits." More Answers: Rabbits has a scientific name "Lagomorph" which means long ears, big feet, and continually growing teeth. So a man named a rabbit a rabbit for all its appearances. A rabbit is called a rabbit because it is the adult form of a bunny. That's incorrect - a common misconception!

Related questions

What will happen if you don't change your hamsters bedding?

The hamster will probably get sick or will DIE if you don't change the bedding. So if you havent changed it DO IT NOW!!

Can rabbits eat cedar shavings?

No, rabbits should not eat cedar shavings. Cedar shavings can be toxic to rabbits when ingested, causing respiratory and digestive issues. It is best to use safe bedding options like aspen shavings or paper-based bedding for rabbits.

Where can one find bedding for a baby girl?

Bedding for a baby girl can be found in department stores all over the country. Many high street stores are now branching out into this area in an attempt to expand their customer base.

Is it possible to buy bedding that coordinates between baby and toddler?

Yes, most sheets now can carry over into a bed and have the same theme for older crowds.

What is a good concluding paragraph about rabbits?

now you see why rabbits are kewl!!

Why is your rabbit dragging its bedding about?

Rabbits may drag their bedding around for various reasons, such as creating a comfortable nesting area, rearranging to their liking, or looking for a hidden spot to rest or burrow. It can also be a natural behavior for them to mark their territory or alleviate boredom. However, if your rabbit's behavior seems excessive or concerning, it's best to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any potential health issues or stressors.

Are rabbits engdangered or safe?

Rabbits are not endangered, but if everything happening now with them continues, they will be. :'(

What is animal burrowing?

a gopher, burrowing owl,rabbits and some other animals i can't think of right now.

Popular Baby & Kids Bedding brands?

Oilily has beautiful bedding and bumpers,and now have an online store to shop from.Their reputation for beautiful colors is known worldwide.Garnet Hill,Soft Surroundings,the Company Store,and Crate and Barrel have beautifully made items that are heirloom quality and would sell well on resale.

Does Selena gomez have any rabbits?

Not as of now does Selena have any pet rabbits. She does have dogs though.

What are rabbits interesting facts?

it is now continuedTO BE CONTINUEDrabbits have up to 28 teeth

I have a baby wild rabbit with eyes just opening I don't have any nutritional cecal pellets to feed it I found fecal pellets from a wild rabbit outside my home can I feed them to the baby?

Rabbits perform a process called cecotrophy which is eating of the cecal pellets (night feces). You CAN NOT give the baby fecal matter from outside, or from anywhere. Fecal matter and cecal matter are completely different. Rabbits can't eat feces. And you can't give cecal pellets from outside, because there is a special kind each rabbit has and you need ones that are fresh and healthy.It may be best to consult a vet if you are unsure what to feed the baby rabbit. Only consult a vet that specializes in rabbits. They will be able to advise you as to the best way to ensure you young rabbits health and nutritional needs are being met. If its a baby its a best idea to feed it milk with nutrients in it if its old enough feed it healthy grass. You should from now on not mess with wild baby rabbits.