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No, rabbits can't eat Ritz crackers, or any crackers, or any processed "human" foods at all. These kinds of foods just aren't good: the grains, sugars, salts, colours, preservatives, and other additives are very unhealthy for rabbits. Aside from their specially-formulated rabbit pellets, rabbits should eat a natural diet of hay, water, and fresh dark-coloured leafy greens (like carrot tops, Romaine, basil, dandelion). If you want to give your rabbit a treat, stick to fresh fruits and vegetables (like carrot, berries, apple, squash). Treats must be strictly limited in a rabbit's diet because too much can lead to illness -- the House Rabbit Society recommends no more than 2 tablespoons of treat food per day for a healthy, normal 6 pound rabbit. See the related question below for more details and links.

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12y ago
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15y ago

yes they can eat ritz crackers because it can just nibble it

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13y ago

Rats CAN eat cheese, they can eat almost anything.

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13y ago

It's best not to because mice are not use to eating cereal's in the wild if this would happen it could make them ill :(

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13y ago

Ritz and other crackers are not poisonous to dogs. (or most other animals)

Though they are unhealthy because they are so salty and buttery.So don't do it often.:)

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14y ago

No thay can't

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13y ago

Yes, last time i checked.

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