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Q: Can dogs eat freeze dried meal worms?
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Can I feed freeze dried meal worms to my baby box turtles?

No, you are best feeding small crickets and cut up worms for them.

Is hamster a plant eater?

Yes,they are but they are omnivores they eat vegetables and meat you can give them grasshoppers only from the pet store same a meal worms but the grasshoppers well I recommend freeze dried grasshoppers but some hamsters might get scared of the meal worms or the grasshoppers you can get meal worms dead or alive. I say when I get a hamster or anyone does and they like or dislike meal worms and the meal worms are alive i say do they give mercy or no mercy.

What will baby green anoles eat?

you should feed it crickets or you could ask on google....

What can you give a skink to eat?

meal worms or crickets or dried ants

Do tiger salamanders eat worms?

Yes they do but they like live worms better then dried. They also eat meal worms sometimes.

Are meal worms real worms?

Meal-worms are actually beetle grubs - NOT worms.

Can meal worms harm dogs?

The worms are not dangerous, but they will make your dog throw up.

What does an mre meal consist of and how is it prepared?

An mre is a meal ready to eat. They consist of freeze dried meals that have to be rehydrated with water. They are issued in the military and are available to campers as well. They are very pricey.

What cultures eat meal-worms?

Japan and Chinese culture eat meal-worms

What are the benefits of feeding freeze-dried salmon to cats?

Feeding freeze-dried salmon to cats can provide a high-quality source of protein, essential fatty acids, and important nutrients like omega-3s. This can help support their overall health, skin, coat, and immune system. Additionally, many cats enjoy the taste and texture of freeze-dried salmon, making it a tasty and nutritious treat or meal option.

Are mealworms true worms?

Meal worms are not really worms. They are the larvae form of the meal worm beetle. They are typically about 2.5 cm long.

How do different meal worm and super worm?

Meal worms are much smaller and softer than super worms. Also, super worms in beetle form are much larger and malodorous than the beetles that come of meal worms.