No you should never give them regular cow's milk. It can cause bad diarrhea.
While water is essential for dogs to stay hydrated and maintain proper bodily functions, dogs can also drink other liquids such as milk or broth. It's important to provide fresh water for dogs daily to keep them healthy and hydrated.
Yes, dogs can drink other liquids such as goat milk, bone broth, and certain types of herbal teas in moderation. It is important to avoid giving dogs alcohol, caffeinated beverages, or sugary drinks as they can be harmful to their health. Always consult with a veterinarian before introducing any new liquids into your dog's diet.
Milk is not inherently dangerous to dogs, but many dogs are lactose intolerant and may experience digestive issues such as diarrhea or upset stomach if they consume milk. It's best to avoid giving milk to dogs and opt for water instead.
If very young, they should drink specially formulated kitten milk for pre-weaned kittens. A vet will be able to supply some. Weaned kittens should only drink water, with kitten or cat milk as a treat. Never feed kittens or cats cow's milk as this often causes diarrhoea.
NO never give a dog fruit punch or any kind of drink accept for water and milk. They can get stomach pains and vomiting
.:] Dogs are not suppose to drink milk because it gives them worms. Dogs CAN drink milk if they are infant and just born.
Well my families Yorkshire Terrier used to drink milk as a puppy, but now he drinks water.
No, dogs should not drink almond milk as it can cause digestive issues and allergies in some dogs. It is best to stick to water or dog-specific milk alternatives.
because it is a mammal and all mammals drink milk as a baby.
It is generally not good for dogs.
From what I understand dogs are not supposed to drink milk. Its the same with many other animals!
No dogs should never drink alcohol.
It is not safe for dogs to drink chocolate milk. They can drink plain milk, but not chocolate. Actually, plain human milk gives dogs and cats a bellyache and they have diarrhea. Dogs ge poisened by caffeine, and almost all the yummy drinks have caffeine in them, like coke, coffe, tea, etc.
no because dogs dont produce milk and they are not surpose 2 drink it they are surpose to only have water