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Yes, there are very few foods chickens do not eat and enjoy. Raw potato peels are not good for them but fine if cooked. All fruits are good but rhubarb and tomato leaves can be toxic (to both chickens and humans).

Basically, anything from your table as far as food scraps is fine for chickens. I feed my chickens all the scraps from the kitchen. They are cannibals. I have found they don't like onions. I give them all my peels from vegetables to fruit....

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13y ago

Baby chickens should be fed small-ground chicken feed. If you only have standard chicken feed, you can grind it yourself.

If you had to feed them fruit though, they should be able to eat anything that doesn't contain somewhat large seeds (like blackberries for instance)

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Are the chickens you eat also egg layers?

Yes, they are. The ones that produce baby chickens have been fertilized, and the ones that we eat are not fertilized. Ask your grocer about the availability of duck eggs.

What do bantam chickens eat?

Bantam chickens typically eat a diet of commercial chicken feed that is specifically formulated for their nutritional needs. They also enjoy eating grains, fruits, vegetables, and occasional treats like mealworms or scraps from the kitchen. It is important to ensure they have access to clean water at all times.

What do bantams eat?

Bantams can eat a diet that consists of commercial chicken feed, supplemented with fruits, vegetables, grains, and insects. It is important to provide them with a balanced diet to ensure they receive proper nutrition for their size and breed. Additionally, access to fresh water at all times is necessary for their well-being.

Do chickens eat hay?

Chickens generally do not eat hay as it is difficult for them to digest. They mainly consume grains, seeds, vegetables, fruits, and insects as part of their diet. Providing them with straw for bedding and nesting material is more beneficial.

Can chickens eat grape leaves and green vines?

They can eat grape leaves and grapes. I cannot answer about the green vine leaves without knowing the species of vine. Free range chickens are pretty smart when it comes to comestible selection . Few chickens will eat what is not good for them. If your chickens are picking at the green vines then you can be reasonably sure it is edible for them. Grape leaves are perfectly good for humans too.

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What Fruits are free range chickens okay to eat?

Most fruits are fine to feed to chickens. However, never feed your chickens any kind of citrus.

Is there something wrong with chickens if they eat baby moles.?

Chickens are omnivores....they eat meat when it is available and baby moles/mice are easy to eat for chickens. Nothing wrong with your hens, they are just doing what chickens do, hunting for and eating food.

Are the chickens you eat also egg layers?

Yes, they are. The ones that produce baby chickens have been fertilized, and the ones that we eat are not fertilized. Ask your grocer about the availability of duck eggs.

Do chicken lay eggs you can eat or baby chickens?

no they do not

What are you eating when you eat eggs?

a chickens dead baby

Do chickens eat lady bugs?

You bet they do given the chance. Chickens are voracious opportunistic feeders

What do bantam chickens eat?

Bantam chickens typically eat a diet of commercial chicken feed that is specifically formulated for their nutritional needs. They also enjoy eating grains, fruits, vegetables, and occasional treats like mealworms or scraps from the kitchen. It is important to ensure they have access to clean water at all times.

Can chickens eat cantaloupe?

yes, chickens can eat melons of all sorts of kinds they love it.

What do you have at home to feed baby chickens?

Baby chicks can eat bread but it must be torn into small pieces

Did you know that chickens sometimes eat vegetables and fruits A farmer likes to give the chickens apples to share. The farmer observes that 3 chickens eat 5 apples. What is the ratio of the number of chickens to apples 5:2 5:3 2:5 3:5?


Will baby chickens dye if they eat worms?

No, but make sure the worms are small

What chickens like ham?

All breeds of Chickens will eat ham! they eat almost anything! REALLY???