No. Cats do not menstruate like humans do. Cats and most other mammals come into season, or heat which is a time where the female will be at her most fertile and be ready to mate. A female cat will come into season at 15-21 day intervals, and each will last approximately 7-10 days.
The theory that when women live together, their menstrual cycles become synchonized, has been debunked. It is nothing more than an old wives' tale, or an urban legend.
Since human menstrual cycles don't synchronize, I don't see why human-feline menstrual cycles would synchronize, either.
It is, of course, possible that your cat goes into heat at around the same time that you have your period, but if that is the case, then it is just a coincidence.
I would say definately yes, cats can sense pregnancy. I had a beautiful, most affectionate cat before i became pregnant. She knew before i did that i was pregnant!! All of a sudden she turned from being to cuddly affectionate kitty to a kitty that wouldn't come anywhere near me and would arch her back and hiss at me if i approached her. She was fine if my partner approached her though. Two weeks later i discovered i was expecting. Because of the cats bad reaction to my being pregnant we had to very regretfully find her another home. :(
Yes my cats know when am on, well about to come on as the can smell it sorta, only if there close to you they will smell it but dogs can actually tell when you are on as they can smell it straight away, as the will walk up to you and Sniff inbetween your legs but no need to worry it won't harm you or olt! Hope this has helpped a little?
usually twice a year, you will know when your cat is on heat.
Cats actually have a strong sense of smell, much more developed than humans. Their sense of smell is vital for communication, hunting, and navigating their environment. It is estimated that cats have around 200 million scent receptors in their noses.
leave it on for the rest of youre cats life unless you give them flea medicine and just dont take it off
Not sure what era but fossils of cats were found that dated back to the Eocene period. Cats came around in the 19th century.
a cat will be pregnant for about 6 to 7 weeks
No. Menopause is the period when women stop menstruating, and since cats do not menstruate in the first place, they cannot go through menopause. Only primates, such as humans and chimps, menstruate. (Cats will bleed a little while in heat, but this is part of the estrous cycle, which is not the same. Estrus in cats is closer to the period right after menstruation in humans.) They don't even go through menopause in the sense of ceasing to experience estrus; cats remain fertile throughout life.
It depends on your age. If youre below 9 you wont get your period, but if youre above 8 then its possible to get a period.
If you dont get youre period on youre date can u be pregnant?
when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant. when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant. when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant. when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant.
A cycle lasts 28 days so count 28 days from the first day of your last period
yes. you can even have your period while youre pregnant
Yes they can. Cat's can sense the same way a dog does and even more then a dog actually. Cats can sense pain and they also can feel other cats pain as in sympathy.
Yes, cats have a strong memory and can remember their home even after being away for a period of time. They use their sense of smell and landmarks to navigate back to familiar places.
youre question makes no sense
You might be pregnant or just have a long discharge
Yes, they sense it. Cats can sense what you are feeling and what you are thinking. They understand their owners.