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Probably not. A lion is far stronger than an alligator, much faster, much more ferocious, and is overall more intelligent. That is, unless of course the Lion is not healthy and the alligator is.

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7y ago

No, alligators and lions do not exist on the same continent.

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Q: Can an alligator eat a lion that is alive?
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What could eat a weasel?

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Who is stronger alligator or lion?

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If an alligator and a lion get into a fight who will win?

It all depends on the variables: is the lion old or young, is the crocodile fed or not, the terrain matters too.

Is an alligator abiotic?

No. An alligator is alive and thus biotic.

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A bear, wolf, coyote, lion, tiger, alligator, or any other large predator.

Can a lion fight an alligator?


Can an alligator beat a lion?

Actually, Yes.

What eats a lion when its alive?

a lion is the king of the jungle so nothing eats it but a hyenas eats baby cubs. if a lion is dead it will eat it.other then that nothing else does.

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Who would win in a lion and alligator fight?

Well an American Bison weighs 2200 on average so it would be very difficult for an alligator to take one. If its the smaller European Bison than the Alligator could take it in the water. How ever on land any Bison would win against an Alligator.

Which animal kills lions for food?

The only animal able tio kill and eat a lion is a large crocodile and they do occasionally do so.

What does the alligator gar eat?

They eat smaller animals.