yes they eat vegetation and insects
Bologna is made from the beef of the cow. Bologna is usually made from cutting meat off that is closest to the bone. Chicken and pork are also used in some bolognas.
A long-necked hedgehog.
Chicken bologna is made by grinding chicken meat, mixing it with other ingredients like spices and fillers, then shaping it into a cylindrical sausage-like shape. The mixture is then cooked and smoked, resulting in the final product.
bologna contains just about everything...unless u get special turkey bologna or beef bologna....but its the wierd parts of the animal......i wouldn't eat it regardless
There is a lot of fat in bologna because when you eat it the fat gets stuck in your teeth.
the only thing bologna will strip is the insides of your intestines if u eat it.
They eat insects
No, they don't eat frogs.
I'm sorry, thought it was ham
The Master Bolognasz!
At your own risk. ;)
depends on what type of hedgehog theone that can take down a lion probably does