Yes, but the feathers will soon grow back.
You can typically differentiate male and female Pekin ducks by their quack - males have a softer and quieter quack, while females have a louder and more robust quack. Additionally, male Pekin ducks tend to have curled tail feathers, while females have straight tail feathers.
A bird uses its tail feathers to help with balance and steering while flying. The tail feathers also play a role in courtship displays and communication with other birds. Additionally, some birds use their tail feathers to help them in navigation during long migrations.
The bird you are describing sounds like a Cedar Waxwing. They have distinctive yellow-tipped tail feathers and a pointed crest on their heads. They are slightly larger than a sparrow and are known for their sleek appearance and high-pitched call.
Curled tail feathers on a duck are called "drake feathers" and are found on male ducks, known as drakes. These feathers often curl upwards and are used in displays during courtship to attract females. The curled shape helps differentiate male ducks from females.
Female Cardinal
When they are fully feathered, the male will have feathers that curl on his tail and the female doesnt. This is how you tell if they are male or female without handling them
When they are fully feathered, the male will have feathers that curl on his tail and the female doesnt. This is how you tell if they are male or female without handling them
They are called peahens. They do have tails but are about the same body size, but their feathers are mostly grey and black (depending on the breed also) They do not have the long tail feathers as the males.
i would say it is a cardinal
Yes, female turkeys fan their feathers to get rid of dust, mites and parasites.
The tail feathers will grow back during the next molt. Do nothing and just let it be.
Yes, but the feathers will soon grow back.
To look good, and attract female peacocks.
Non random mating
Female- usually 15 in. without tail. Female- Usually 18-20 in. with tail. Male- Usually 18 in. without tail. Male- Usually 20-23 in. with tail.
The female of the species has an orifice at the section of the back that connects to the tail feathers. If you pull the feathers aside with a fingertip you can see the actual vagina like orifice.