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Q: Can a dog get pregnant by a toy?
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Related questions

Can toy breed have large breed dog?

No, a dog that is a toy breed has to reproduce with a dog of the same breed. This means that they will produce the same breed of dog. And not a dog out of the toy column.

What is a chihuahua's species?

from Mexico. toy dog.

Getting pregnant by a sperm covered soft toy?

yes you can get pregnant from a soft toy with sperm on it.

What is type of dog is Vanessa Hudgens dog?

Vanessa Hudgens' dog, Shadow is a toy poodles... I think

What is the best way to teach dogs to identify words?

the best method thats seems to work with mine is: hold the object you want you dog to learn, for example: if you want your dog to know what TOY means, hold a toy, get the dogs attention, say "toy" then hold the toy out to your dog. your dog should sniff the object your offering to him/her. while he/she is sniffing the toy tell the dog what it is, say "toy". then stand straight and hold the toy away from the dog, say "toy" again and then throw it, saying "go get the toy" do this every single day for about a week and then tell your dog "Go get the toy. Toy. Toy. go get the toy." your dog should go get the toy. if you want him to learn a word like a command, sit, lay down, speak, then you have to show the dog what sit means and then reward him/her. for example say "sit" then force the dog into a sitting position, then praise your dog, even tho u did it for him/her.

What is the origin of a toy chihuahua?

its not a toy its a dog

Is a teddy bear a toy dog?

NO a teddy bear is a child's toy that a dog can play with.

Will a dog play with a cat toy?

depends on the toy

How do you make dog agility jumps?

Make the dog run a lot. When the dog's calfs or strong enough, get a toy and tease the dog. After the dog starts to attempt to get the toy, put the toy one to two feet higher. Then, repeat.

What should i buy for my dog,but which toy for my dog (strong toy pls)?


Can your toy poodle get pregnant by a large dog that sort of looks like a long haired German shepherd?

Might be possible but I don't think the poor toy poodle would survive birth, you need to contact your vet.

Can a chew toy cause a dog to Vomet?

Yes, A dog could vomet after eating a chew toy