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Can he, yes of course he can. -But should he - NO.

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Q: Can a dog eat a iced honey bun?
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What do segals eat?

a hot dog bun, dont forget frenc fries

What is the best way to eat a hot dog?

Roast it over an open fire, stick it in a bun, and put some ketchup on it.

Can cats eat crisp?

Yes but you should remember that every crisp for a dog is equivalant to a burger in a bun for us......Not healthy.

What do hot dogs living in desert eat?

A "hot dog" is a type of sausage that is eaten in a bun. Therefore hot dogs:are not alivedo not live in the desertdo not eat

Can chinchillas eat honey?

No because they can choke on them and they can not eat sugar.

How do you eat a double pounder?

you eat the bun then blend the meat and drink it

What to eat at the movies on a low carbohydrate diet?

There's pretty much nothing to eat at the movies if you're on a low-carb diet. You can have a hot dog without the bun, or some peanuts or mixed nuts. That's about it.

When do you eat honey?

You can eat honey whenever you please. There is no specific time you must eat honey.

Where do you find a no-legged dog in a bun?

well the most common place is in south Toronto but the orignal place was in shepshed, in leicestershire the is in England. the first person to eat this was Dana smith

What does a honeybee eat?

honey bees eat honey

Should you steal your sisters finger bun and eat it?

Absolutely! It is a required fact of life that you should steal your sisters bun.

Something you eat that starts with the letter i?

Iced tea, Ice cream