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Yes. At least it won't likely hurt him/her. Eating a single coffee bean will not likely hurt your dog, in fact, your dog may not even chew it and it will go through it's digestive system intact. While it is a good idea to avoid deliberately feeding your dog caffeine, a small amount is not likely to affect it.

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13y ago
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2mo ago

If your dog has ingested coffee beans, it is important to contact your veterinarian immediately. Coffee contains caffeine, which is toxic to dogs and can lead to symptoms such as restlessness, increased heart rate, tremors, and even seizures. Treatment will depend on the amount ingested and the severity of symptoms.

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13y ago

My 48 lb 5 month old lab puppy was very hipper last night, I had a feeling something was wrong he was bouncing off the walls ! Then he had a hard time sleeping ! This morning I discovered that the pound of coffee beans from Starbucks was missing ! He seems to be acting better this morning. Will he be ok ? What should I do ?

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14y ago

The dog will be turbo in 20 minutes, but it will survive.

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