No, Buffalo are herbivores they only eat vegetation.
crocodiles eat anything but nothing eats the crocodile'Answer:Crocodiles eat Fish, small animals, people who aren't careful. Humans will eat crocodile and alligators if they catch them. If a sick or injured crocodile were to be caught on shore a larger predator or a pack of predators would eat them.
An elephant, a rhino, a hippo, a pack of hyenas, a large crocodile, a poacher, and a cape buffalo.
It is a kind of a draw between a nile crocodile and a bull cape buffalo if the cape buffalo does not gore the crocodile.
Crocodile wallet, it is smoother! (It is an oppinion expect diffrent awnsers)
A crocodile could kill a buffalo if it attacked it in the water, but the crocodile would die if it was fighting the buffalo on land. If the crocodile is large, the buffalo would have a hard time stomping it to death.
Depending on the size and strength of the mugger crocodile, the mugger crocodile has a better chance in water than on land. Since water buffaloes are very large and are adapted to swim in water, they are able to fight and maul a mugger crocodile with their horns if the crocodile is not careful. If the mugger crocodile and the water buffalo fought on land, the water buffalo would easily trample the mugger crocodile to death.
Whales eats crocodile as that's part of the food chain. Whales sometimes swim near estuaries and when see a crocodile, they approach and eat them. They eat crocodile in order to protect humans.
It is the other way around. Crocodiles, especially the bigger species of crocodiles like the saltwater crocodile and the Nile crocodile, do eat any buffaloes that are near the water or in water. They usually would not go on land to hunt any wild animals that are heavy in weight and size or otherwise rough since they can be crushed or gored if they are not careful.
Crocodile Birds eat the remains of what Crocodiles kill and eat (for example, the meat of a dead animal).
NO! Crocodiles eat Jaguars, NOTHINGeats a crocodile BUT a crocodile eats anything.
Yes, a crocodile will eat a monkey if given the chance. He will also eat deer, sharks, bats and dingoes.
Crocodile. It can eat the eagle in 1 bite.
with its mouth
Buffalo are grazing animals, they eat grass.