12 inches, because 12 inches is in a FOOT!
A common house cat typically stands about 9-10 inches tall at the shoulder.
A male is 10 - 1 pounds and a female is much smaller at 8 - 12 pounds. Now, these, mind you, is given you do NOT over feed and cat gets daily exercise.
The biggest a guinea pig can grow to is about 12 inches. so when it's on all fours, it's about 12 inches long, and when it's on its hind feet, it about 12 inches tall. =D I have 3 guinea pigs of my own, and the oldest is about 10 inches, and she's a little over 2 years old.
The length of a cat varies greatly from each individual and breed. The average cat is around 46 centimeters (18 inches) in length, not including the tail. However, some cats can be smaller or larger than this.
The body of an average cat, from chest to rump, ranges from about 12 to about 16 inches at full growth. The tail can add another 6 to 12 inches depending on the cat. Head and neck will be another five to seven inches, at reasonable extension. A cat can also stretch himself out to appear much longer.
A normal full grown cat usually is about 8-10 inches long. If they are a special breed that happens to grow longer they usually get no bigger then 12-15 inches.
you answer it in inches not feet because feet is a lot and inches is enough for a long cat and small cat don't you think
Here's information from Wikipedia about the male -- the female will be a little shorter:"The adult male Bobcat is 28 to 40 inches (71 to 100 cm) long, averaging 35 inches (89 cm); with a stubby 4 to 7 inches (10 to 18 cm) tail..."
A ruler is 12 inches long.
43 inches
4 inches
If you are talking about a foot tall, its 12 inches or 1/3 of a yard.
12 yards is 432 inches.
12 inches
it is 12 inches. 3 feet is a yard.it's about the length of 2 dollar bills.A foot (plural: feet) is 12 inches or about 30 cm.
To the nearest 12 inches it is 12 inches long. To the nearest 14 or 18 inches, it is 0 inches long.