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No, goats should not eat geraniums. They are poisonous to goats and kill them if to much is ingested.

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Q: Is it safe for goats to eat geraniums?
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Are apples toxic to Boer goats?

No, apples that are safe for humans to eat are also safe for goats to eat. However, any apples that have been sprayed with pesticides or apple varieties that are not safe for human consumption should be carefully reviewed, possibly with reference to the ASPCA's toxic plants website, before being fed to goats.

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Yes, goats can eat fruits and vegetables as part of a balanced diet. However, bread should be given in moderation as it does not provide essential nutrients for goats and can lead to health issues if overconsumed. It's important to ensure that fruits and vegetables are safe for goats to eat and that they are offered in appropriate quantities.

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Goats eat glue with their mouths, they does.

Is asparagus poisonous to goats?

Can, yes. Will, doubtful. Tops, probably, but the actual radish, who knows. Try one!

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The needles and seeds of all yews are highly poisonous to horses, cattle, sheep and goats, although the red, fleshy seed covering is not.

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No goats will not eat a hornet if they try they will only do it once =)

Can goats eat pumpkins?

Yes. Most goats actually love pumpkins, and pumpkin seeds, although they couldn't live of that alone. Even if they don't eat it, they will chew on it and sometimes butt it around like a ball. Some goats are pickier than others, but pumpkin is perfectly safe for all goats (although it may give them diarrhea if they eat TOO much).

What vegetables to goats eat?

Goats enjoy eating a variety of vegetables, including carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, and squash. However, it's important to research which vegetables are safe for goats to eat and only offer them in moderation as treats, alongside a balanced diet of hay and grains. Avoid feeding goats onions, garlic, and tomatoes, as these can be harmful to them.

Can goats eat pine needles?

Yes, goats can safely eat pine needles. Goats are known to eat all of the pine needles off a tree if they can reach them.

Can goats eat corn?

Yes, dried corn is a standard ingredient of sweet feed for goats. Goats can also eat raw or cooked corn and corn husks. My goats eat corn husks like candy!

Why do organisms that eat goats contain less energy from the goats than the goats obtain from the plants they eat?

use enegy for their own motabolism!