Bacteria are involved in all biological processes. However, some bacteria are good and some are bad, so different forms of processes may have one type of bacteria, but not another.
Eukarya As Well As _Plant _Animal _Protist _Fungi
Penguins are sexual animals that reproduce by mating with a member of the opposite sex. Both male and female penguins participate in courtship behaviors, such as vocalizations and displays, before mating.
Yes. Every single living creature has bacteria. But the amount of bacteria on each of the rats or mice depends on where they scurried/go to.
Yes, animals can perform all seven life processes: movement, respiration, sensitivity, growth, reproduction, excretion, and nutrition. Each process is essential for the survival and functioning of an animal.
While plants and animals are the main groups that reproduce, other organisms like fungi, protists, and bacteria also have methods of reproduction. These organisms have their own unique processes for generating new individuals within their respective kingdoms.
respiration occurs in all organisms,(except bacteria) but photosynthesis only occurs in plants.
Inputs, processes, outputs, feedback, and a goal are all involved in Technological Systems.
No it aint
The kingdom that contains all prokaryotes except archaebacteria is Bacteria. Archaebacteria are a separate domain from Bacteria, so the kingdom Bacteria includes all prokaryotes that are not part of the Archaea domain.
Athena is not involved in stories involving Chinese mythology.
It all depends on what animal, reptile, or bacteria.
Metabolism covers all of the chemical processes in cells.
Hemisphere means 'half the world' and you can take that as Northern and Southern Hemispheres or Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Each hemisphere, however you divide them, is involved with nearly all the processes that the other is involved in, i.e. all the general workings of the Earth.
The kingdom that includes all prokaryotes except archaebacteria is the Kingdom Bacteria, also known as Eubacteria. These organisms have simple cell structures and lack a membrane-bound nucleus.
All cells except bacteria and archaea are eukaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells have a true nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles, while bacteria and archaea are prokaryotic cells without a true nucleus. Eukaryotic cells are found in plants, animals, fungi, and protists.