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More than you would think. The first thing, this says to me, is that many people assume that Witches are not people. Real Witches are not supernatural beings, nor are they demons incarnate. Witches are just people... who follow the Pagan art of Witchcraft. Furthermore, Witchcraft, though an ancient art, is still in practice today. I said this on another answer, but I'll repeat it here.... that tatooed man you saw go into Hot-topic at the mall is just as likely to be a Witch as the Grandma neighbor of yours who wears a floral dress and gardens every Saturday. Witches come in all shapes and sizes, and ethnicites, and cultures. They are politicians, soldiers, mothers, teachers, neighbors, etc.

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6mo ago

Witches, as traditionally portrayed in folklore and mythology, do not exist. However, modern practitioners of Wicca or other pagan beliefs may identify as witches. They typically do not possess magical powers or engage in activities common to historical witchcraft stereotypes.

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