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They change over time in response to factors in the environment such as weather and food supplies.

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Q: Are wildlife populations static (stay the same) or do they fluctuate (change) as part of an overall balance?
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Population of different species that live and interact in an area?

An ecosystem includes populations of different species that interact with each other and their environment. These interactions can be competition for resources, predation, mutualism, or symbiosis. The balance between these populations is important for the overall health and stability of the ecosystem.

How do spiders balance the ecosystem?

Spiders help balance the ecosystem by controlling insect populations. They are natural predators that feed on a variety of insects like flies, mosquitoes, and agricultural pests. By keeping these insect populations in check, spiders help maintain the overall balance of the ecosystem.

Why should you care about wildlife?

Wildlife plays a crucial role in maintaining ecosystem health and balance. They contribute to biodiversity, help with pollination and seed dispersal, and can even provide important cultural and aesthetic value. Additionally, many species serve as indicators of overall environmental health, so caring for wildlife can help protect the planet for future generations.

Why do lions need to be protected?

Lions need to be protected because they are a keystone species, playing a crucial role in maintaining the balance of their ecosystems. They help regulate prey populations and are indicators of the health of the ecosystem overall. Additionally, lions face threats such as habitat loss, human-wildlife conflict, and poaching, putting their population at risk.

Why is a wallaby important?

Wallabies play a key role in their ecosystem as herbivores, helping to control plant populations and maintain biodiversity in their habitats. They also serve as prey for various predators, contributing to overall ecosystem balance. Additionally, wallabies are considered culturally important in some Indigenous Australian communities and are valued for their unique characteristics and behaviors.

Related questions

Population of different species that live and interact in an area?

An ecosystem includes populations of different species that interact with each other and their environment. These interactions can be competition for resources, predation, mutualism, or symbiosis. The balance between these populations is important for the overall health and stability of the ecosystem.

How do spiders balance the ecosystem?

Spiders help balance the ecosystem by controlling insect populations. They are natural predators that feed on a variety of insects like flies, mosquitoes, and agricultural pests. By keeping these insect populations in check, spiders help maintain the overall balance of the ecosystem.

Why are birds of prey important to ecology?

Birds of prey are important to ecology because they help regulate populations of prey species, maintaining a balance in ecosystems. They also help control pests that can be harmful to crops and other wildlife. Additionally, they play a crucial role in the food chain by controlling populations of other animals, which in turn affects the overall health of ecosystems.

What happens when ecological balance is disturbed?

When ecological balance is disturbed, it can lead to a range of negative consequences such as loss of biodiversity, spread of invasive species, water and air pollution, soil degradation, and climate change. This can impact the overall health and functioning of ecosystems, ultimately affecting the well-being of both wildlife and human populations that rely on these ecosystems for resources and services. Restoring ecological balance typically requires understanding the root causes of the disturbance and implementing conservation and restoration measures to address them.

Why should you care about wildlife?

Wildlife plays a crucial role in maintaining ecosystem health and balance. They contribute to biodiversity, help with pollination and seed dispersal, and can even provide important cultural and aesthetic value. Additionally, many species serve as indicators of overall environmental health, so caring for wildlife can help protect the planet for future generations.

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What is usually the largest single account in the overall balance of payments?

The largest single account in the overall balance of payments is, for most countries, the current account.

What were the overall trends in the populations of metropolitan areas in the 1990s?

grew by 13.2 percent

What is a stingray's niche?

Stingrays are bottom-dwelling, carnivorous fish that play a key role in their ecosystem by controlling populations of benthic invertebrates and small fish. They are important predators in marine food webs and contribute to overall biodiversity and ecosystem balance.

What happens to abiotic factors when biotic populations increase?

When biotic populations increase, abiotic factors may be affected due to increased demands or interactions. For example, increased plant populations can deplete soil nutrients or water availability. This can lead to changes in abiotic factors such as nutrient levels, water availability, or light intensity, potentially impacting the overall ecosystem balance.

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overall balance of the car

Are Arctic fox extinct?

The Arctic fox, overall, is in no danger of extinction. Some isolated populations have problems, however.