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Your hamster may very well be blind. One way of telling if your hamster is blind is if it doesn't react to waving hands in front of its face. Also its eyes may be cloudy looking or have white spots in them. One way of knowing for sure is if you let your hamster run lose on the floor and if it smells around to find its way or if it runs into something!

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14y ago
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3mo ago

Yes, hamsters can go blind due to various reasons such as old age, injury, illness, or genetic conditions. Common signs of blindness in hamsters include bumping into objects, difficulty finding food and water, and changes in behavior. If you suspect your hamster is blind, it's best to consult a veterinarian for proper care.

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13y ago

Just like every other mammal they can go blind

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14y ago

Animals are generally born with their eyes shut, in a week or two they start to open their eyes.

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14y ago

yes when there older but they can also be colour blind because mostly all animals can't see any kind of colour

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12y ago

Hamsters aren't actually blind. They just have poor eyesight so rely on the sense of smell rather than the sense of sight.

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15y ago

no - they can't judge height

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Q: Can hamsters go blind
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Do hamsters see full colour or just black and white?

Hamsters see in black in white because they do not have a cornia in there eyes. Do not put them in sunlight they will be blind. Color blind are hamsters.

Is direct sunlight dangerous for pets?

For some pets no, but for hamsters yes. Hamsters are instinctively nocturnal and cannot see well in the light. They could go blind if the are put in direct sunlight.

Are hamsters nearsighted?

Hamsters have naturally bad eyesight, but there isn't a massive chance of them developing blindness, although if your hamster seems to be confused or it's eyes seem glazed over or are leaving a discharge take it to a vet immediately.

What do young hamsters look like?

Born bald and blind.

Do hamsters only see black and white?

Yes. Of course their color blind.

Are teddy bear hamsters color blind?

Not all Teddy Bear Hamsters have red eyes. Most have black eyes, grow to be about five inches long, and will bite if not cared for gently. Teddy Bear Hamsters have a light brown or gold coat, and prefer to live alone.

Do hamsters go through puberty?

Yes hamsters do

Are hamsters and mice blind?

When they're first born, they can't see, but then they develop eyelids, and can see.

How do you say i have two hamsters?

"I have two hamsters" there you go, have fun!

Do hamsters see in black and white or color?

No, they're color blind. yes, hamsters are color blind and see black in white. make sure you don't put them in sunlight because then they r practically blind and cant see that good. Yep afraid they are! Hamsters can only see in black and white but still cant see very well. They use their whiskers to feel around as they are on the move. They are color blind! :p

Are zhu zhu hamsters the same as go go hamsters?

Yes, they are. As far as I know it was Go Go but then they changed their brand name.