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noif you gave a cat cranberry juice it would get diarrea and get more sick thatn it was to begin with

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2mo ago

It is not recommended to give cats cranberry juice for urinary infections. While cranberry juice may be helpful for preventing urinary tract infections in humans, it is not proven to be effective for treating cats with urinary issues. It is important to consult with a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment for your cat's urinary infection.

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12y ago

Not really. Cat mostly eat meat so it wouldn`t like cranberries.

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Q: Can you give cats cranberry juice for there urinary infection?
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Is cranberry juis good for cats?

is cranberry juise good for cats

How do you treat urinary tract infection in a cat?

The term Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) is a general term, used to describe a variety of disorders, including struvite crystals, oxalate stones, cystitis, bladder stones and kidney stones. FLUTD sometimes involves surgery, particularly in the case of oxalate stones, but prevention is relatively straight forward.

Can a female cat get uti?

UTI stands for urinary tract infection. Yes, your female cat can get UTIs, although they are not as common in cats as they are in humans.

How do you repel cats?

With lemon juice or mothballs.

Is it dangerous for a cat to have a bladder infection for a long time?

Yes, any infection that goes on for a long time is dangerous. But a cat with bladder inflammation might not have an infection. Male cats in particular are prone to other urinary tract problems as well as infections. Of course, if your cat is in pain or having blood in urine or has stopped using the litterbox, you should take the cat to the vet.

Is lemon juice toxic to cats?

Cats are not attracted to anything citrus, and many people use lemon juice as a repellent for cats. Lemon juice can make a cat sick.

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Can cats get staph infection?

Yes, cats can get staphylococcus (staph) infections, and they can pass them on to their people. If you believe your cat has a staph infection, please take it to the vet for treatment.

How do you treat a cat that uti?

Cystitis, or inflammation of the urinary bladder, can be due to several differernt issues. In younger cats, the most likely cause is a bacterial infection, which would be treated with oral antibiotics. In adult cats, bladder stones start becoming more of a problem; these would be treated with surgical removal and a diet change to prevent recurrence. In senior cats, cancer becomes a significant concern; this can be treated somewhat by surgical removal of the cancer and chemotherapy.

What causes urinary crystals in cats?

Cats usually contracts urinary infections from not drinking enough water and the urine becomes too concentrated. This can occur if the cat is fed only dry food, as cats have evolved to derive water from its prey/food, so will not often drink from a bowl like a dog readily does. Pet cats, like their wild ancestors and cousins, are still designed to get their moisture from their food. Cats naturally have a low "thirst drive" and will not often seek out water on their own unless severely dehydrated. Aside from food, some cats can contract a UTI from being overly stressed.