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Yes. the brown ones are brown. The white ones are white.

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14y ago

Well I'm in the middle of hatching 10 eggs.

9 brown

1 white

The white was 5th to hatch.

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14y ago

nope. the only difference is that white eggs are laid by white eggs and brown eggs are laid by brown eggs.

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Can you be allergic to brown eggs but not white?

The color of the egg shell has no bearing regarding the allergy of an individual. Brown eggs may produce an allergic reaction quicker than white eggs.

What age do brown chickens lay eggs?

Chickens, whether the chicken is brown, white, blue, red or, or... all start laying eggs when they are mature enough to do so. The average age for chickens to start laying eggs is 5-6 months of age. You will notice the wattle and comb begin to appear more red than pink as they become more developed and distinct. This is an indicator that the young hen is about ready to start laying. And brown chickens don't necessarily lay brown eggs. It's a common misconception. Brown Leghorns, for example, lay white eggs just as their white colored counterparts do. The color of egg the chicken will lay coincides with the color of the earlobe. A white earlobe = white eggs. Colored earlobe = brown or tinted eggs. Hope this helped!

Why do brown shelled eggs cost more than white shelled eggs?

The cost difference between brown and white eggs is not due to quality; it is primarily related to the breed of the hens that lay them. Brown egg-laying hens are larger and require more feed, space, and care, making the production cost slightly higher. This cost is usually passed on to consumers, resulting in a higher retail price for brown eggs.

Why are brown eggs more expensive?

Brown eggs are not necessarily more expensive due to any inherent difference in quality or taste compared to white eggs. The cost difference can be attributed to the breeds of chickens that produce brown eggs typically being larger and requiring more feed, space, and time to raise compared to the breeds that lay white eggs. Ultimately, factors such as production costs, demand, and market factors play a role in determining the price of brown eggs.

How can you tell what color a chicken egg will be?

The color of a chicken egg is determined by the breed of the chicken laying it. Generally, chickens with white earlobes lay white eggs, while those with red earlobes lay brown eggs. Blue or green eggs are produced by certain breeds like Ameraucanas or Araucanas.

Related questions

Is the shell on a brown egg thicker than a shell on a white egg?

No the eggshell of brown eggs is not thicker than the eggshell of white eggs.

Does a Brown Leghorn lay more eggs than a White Leghorn?

Brown Versus White LeghornYes it does.

Can you be allergic to brown eggs but not white?

The color of the egg shell has no bearing regarding the allergy of an individual. Brown eggs may produce an allergic reaction quicker than white eggs.

Were brown eggs cheaper than white eggs at one time?

I think so in the 1980s or something.

Why are brown eggs cheaper?

There actually is no difference between the two. Brown eggs and white eggs just come from different types of chickens. Although, most eggs of chickens who are raised locally have brown eggs and most locally raised chickens have better feed because they are not raised in masses so their eggs will be stronger. Therefore, there really is no difference but brown eggs tend to be stronger (because they are usually locally raised).

Do white eggs dissolve faster in vinegar than brown eggs?

Mostly likely not. The only difference between white eggs and brown eggs is that the whites are laid by white hens, and the browns are laid by brown hens. Most "cage-free" eggs, however, are brown. The hens that laid them were housed in human conditions, so the eggs will not only taste better, they may react differently with vinegar than the cheaper eggs laid by the hens kept in the tiny cages. The results will not have anything to do with the color.

Do white eggs weigh more than brown eggs or do brown eggs weigh more than white eggs?

No, the colour and the size of the egg are not related. Breed determines the size and contents of an egg, not the color. Smaller chickens tend to lay smaller eggs, and the colour depends on the colour of the hen's ear-flap.

How do you substitute brown rice for white?

Brown rice has a stronger flavor than white and you might need to amp up the seasoning. Use NIKE's technique; "just do it"

What makes brown chicken eggs healthier for human consumption than white chicken eggs?

Nope! The only difference between brown eggs & white eggs is the shell's colour. Happy Egg Eating! Absolutely NOT! The only difference in shell color is the breed of chicken that laid it. If the hens were fed the same diet, brown-shelled eggs and white-shelled eggs are the same. Thete ARE some people who swear that they taste differently. Unfortunately for them, taste tests have consistently proved that those people CANNOT tell the difference.

Are white eggs higher in protein than brown eggs?

I don't exactly know but i think so. I've never actually tried a brown one before, but i would have thought so.

Why eggs are brown?

It depends on the breed of the chicken. It is a genetic trait. A rule of thumb is to look at the earlobe of the chicken, and that is roughly what the eggs will look like. The White Leghorn breed lays most of the white eggs. The brown eggs come from the Rhode Island Red, the New Hampshire and the Plymouth Rock. The reason brown eggs cost more is because the hens are a little bigger and tend to need more care. Plus there is the urban legend saying they are healthier, so naturally, stores will charge more since more people want them. Brown eggs are not any healthier than white eggs. Egg colors are not limited to white and brown. There are also blue and speckled eggs, though they are hard to find in stores. Those come from the Aracuna breed.

Is brown sugar sweeter than white sugar?

Brown sugar is sweeter than white sugar because brown sugar contains molasses. White sugar is made from pure sucrose, it can sometimes be taken from pure sugar cane or sugar beets. Therefore, brown sugar is slightly sweeter and contain a few more calories than white sugar..