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I highly doubt it. My dog would catch and eat them all the time and he never got any negative side affects. You're cat should be fine.

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4y ago
No, my cat eats them all the time.
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10y ago

Yes the sweat glands can release toxic gas that can kill any feline.

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Q: Are green lizards dangerous to cats?
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Are alligator lizards dangerous?

No. They are not dangerous.

Are people dangerous to lizards?

Lizards can be dangerous depending on if it has a poisonous sack.

Are tree lizards with yellow spotted lizards dangerous?

Lizards are never dangerous, they may bite you but and apart from a chance of resulting woundinfections even yellow spotted lizards are not dangerous, except when it is a varana, these lizards can grow big and act agressively.

Does blue tail lizards eat green lizards?

No, they should not.

Do lizards eat cats?

No, lizards do not typically eat cats. Lizards are usually much smaller than cats and are more likely to be preyed upon by cats rather than the other way around. Additionally, most lizards are not aggressive predators and would not intentionally seek out a cat as food.

Are lizards always green?


Do lizards come after you?

Depends on what lizard and how dangerous it is

What is the predators of the lizards?

snakes man cats dogs

What are yellow spotted lizards?

these are fu*kin dangerous stupid lizards that when they bite, you are dead in i secons

Are lizards green?

because they want to