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Yes, the American lion has been extinct for about 11,000 years.

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Q: Are American lions extinct
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Related questions

Are lions American?

Well, there are American lions and there are African lions so not all lions are American but there are some.

Are lions extinct?

Lions are not extinct yet.

Are most lions extinct?

Lions are not extinct yet.

Where do the American lions live?

The American lion has been extinct for about 11,000 years so it lives nowhere.

How many American lions are left in the world?

Don't know what you mean by "american lions". Most lions live in Africa. What you can get in America are Mountain Lions AKA Cougars AKA Pumas.

Are lions becoming extinct and why?

No, lions are not becoming extinct, as a matter of fact, in some areas, the lions are actually very very popular!

What is an extinct lion?

Lions are not extinct!!! Actually the Atrox Lion is extinct

What are the 2 kinds of lions that are alive today?

there are alot but i can give asiatic and American lion

How are lions extinct?

Lions are not extinct, but they are endangered and protected in reserves to corect u there is a certain type of lion that is extinct it is called a Atrox Lion

Are there lions that are extinct?

some lions are endangered in select areas

Why are all lions extinct in South Africa?

They are not extinct in South Africa

Has the lion become extinct?

No, lions have a conservation status of "Vulnerable", but they are not extinct.