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Q: Any ideas for the letter A in an ABC book on Lewis and Clark?
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Who did Meriwether Lewis buy his dog from?

The guy's name was Brady. He was a rough sailor who sold Seaman to Meriwether Lewis for $20 after a lot of lying probably to get the price higher. He lyed about Seaman, who he had named Runt, saving him from drowning three times and all sorts of things like that. Also, while Brady was arguing with Lewis, he started calling Sea (Seaman's nickname) Champion so Sea ended up having three different names in the span of just a few minutes. If you want to know more about this, try reading the book "The Captain's Dog My Journey with the LEWIS AND CLARK Tribe" by Roland Smith

When did Lamarck publish his ideas on evolution?

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck published his ideas on evolution in 1809 in a book titled "Philosophie Zoologique." In this book, he proposed the theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics, which suggested that organisms could pass down traits acquired during their lifetime to their offspring.

What did the lewis and clark expidition hope to find?

Their ultimate and official goal was the find a continuous water route from the east coast (or at least from the Mississippi River, starting at St. Louis) to the Pacific Ocean. In other words, they were looking for a river that went from one side of America to the other. No such river exists, but they did find a way to get to the Pacific mostly by river. They had to portage (carry their boats overland) before they found the Columbia River, which got them to the Pacific. They were also hoping to make maps of the western US (which virtually no Americans and very few white people had seen at that point), and to document plants and animals that were new to them, and to establish relations with the native tribes west of the Mississippi. Thomas Jefferson also hoped to sort of "lay claim" to the western region of the continent by being the first nation to send an extensive exploratory part into it. But just before the Corps of Discovery (as Lewis and Clark's team was called) set off on the journey, the US bought the region through the Louisiana Purchase. Thus, another objective was added to the Corps's mission: to inform the native tribes that they were living in a country called America, and that their "Great Father" (i.e., Thomas Jefferson) wished them well and hoped they would come visit him sometime. This was met with varying degrees of agreeability. If you're interested in the Lewis and Clark expedition, check out Undaunted Courage by Stephen Ambrose, or The Fate of the Corps: What Became of the Lewis and Clark Explorers After the Expedition by Larry Morris. Both are fascinating and well written. The Ambrose book has several maps showing the paths of the trip. The Morris book has several portraits of the explorers.

Name a cat from a child's book?

The Cheshire Cat from "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll is a famous cat character in children's literature known for its mischievous grin and disappearing antics.

Who is fenris ulf?

Fenris Ulf is a fictional character in C.S. Lewis's "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe." He is the cruel servant of the White Witch who helps her in her quest to capture the Pevensie children. Ultimately, Fenris is defeated by Aslan and the forces of good.

Related questions

Any ideas for the letter N in an ABC book on Lewis and Clark?

Nez Perce they were the tribe that helped Lewis and Clark after they crossed the Rocky Mountains during winter

What can be uses for the letter Q in a Lewis and Clark ABC book?

In a Lewis and Clark ABC book, the letter Q can be used to represent "Quartermaster," who was responsible for managing and distributing supplies on the expedition. Another option could be "Quiver" to represent the carrying case for arrows used for hunting and protection during the journey.

Did Lewis from the Lewis and Clark expedition say anything famous?

To some extent. They wrote a book, but nothing that is quoted.

What were some difficulties that were faced during the Lewis and Clark expedition?

During their expedition, Lewis and Clark had to make it through rough winters and needed to seek help from the native American tribes that inhabited these winter grounds. There's a terrific book that chronicles Lewis and Clark's expedition from start to finish: The Journals of Lewis and Clark, edited by Bernard DeVoto published by Mariner Books. The Journals are a really fun read.

What year did Lewis and Clark explore Louisiana purchase?

1803 to 1806 i think thats what it says in my history book

Did Lewis and clark settled in Montana state?

No. They went back to the east coast, wrote a book, and still served the government.

Why did Lewis and Clark set out in the expedition?

they felt like it and if u wanna know the real answer read ur world history book.

What are the puzzle answers for book 5 in cahill vs vespers?

1. damien vesper2. the father is dead 3. lewis & clark

What has the author Lewis Sabran written?

Lewis Sabran has written: 'The letter book of Lewis Sabran, S. J. (Rector of St. Omers College)'

What did Lewis and Clark get paid for their journey?

Not much. Clark wrote a book on the trip and was going to Washington to request money when he died at a stagecoach inn. He was found in the forest near the inn. Some historians believe that he was murdered.

What are the puzzle answers cahill vs vespers book 5 Trust No One?

1. damien vesper2. the father is dead 3. lewis & clark

Did Lewis and Clark write a book about their journey?

No, they did not. But they did write a documentary about wha they have seen, but you won't get that anywhere because it all went to president Thomas Jefferson.