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Many species of birds and whales.

Hawaii has 8,800 animal species, many of which are endemic to Hawaii.


About 28 reptiles make their home in the Hawaiian Islands. However, only six are natives: the yellow-bellied sea snake (Pelamis Platurus) and 5 species of turtles: Olive Ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea), Leatherback(Dermochelys coriacea) , Loggerhead (Caretta caretta) , Hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata ), and Green sea (Chelonia mydas) Turtles.

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14y ago
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2mo ago

Hawaii is home to a variety of unique animals, including the Hawaiian monk seal, green sea turtle, humpback whale, Hawaiian hoary bat, and various bird species like the Hawaiian hawk and the nene (Hawaiian goose). Many of these animals are endemic to Hawaii, meaning they are found nowhere else on Earth.

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12y ago

There are only two native mammals; the Hawaiian monk seal (or llio holo kai) and the Hawaiian hoary bat. All of the other animals that are there now were brought by humans from over the sea. However, Hawaii does have over 200 native fish, and 10,000 native insects, as well as a large number of birds.

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12y ago

Due to its degree of isolation, the Hawaiian Islands have a fairly distinctive catalog of animals. Though some animals have been brought to the islands by later settlers, Hawaii can boast close to 90 percent of its animals that are "endemic," that is, unique to the Hawaiian Islands and found in no other part of the world. The rarity of the animals in Hawaii is also their curse; over time, many Hawaiian species have gone extinct, and a number of others remain endangered today.

Native Mammals
  • Hawaii only has two mammals considered to be native to the islands. These two creatures are the hoary bat, believed to have arrived in the area via wind currents at an unknown time, and the Hawaiian monk seal.

Native Birds
  • Among these birds that exist today are the pueo or Hawaiian owl, a bird which is equally comfortable at various altitudes and is distinct from other owls in its tendency to be fairly active in the daytime. Other notable Hawaiian birds include the Nene Goose, Hawaii's state bird, the aeo, also known as the Hawaiian stilt, and the Hawaiian duck.

Native Absences
  • There are some surprising absences among the animals present in the Hawaiian Islands. No reptiles or amphibians are found and there is a surprising lack of insects, such as mosquitoes, fleas, lice and the supposedly ubiquitous cockroaches.

Additions by Settlers
  • Many islands have horses, sheep, goats, and wild pigs, some of which are hunted by the populace. The mongoose is another non-native mammal, which has spread to most of the islands, providing one factor in the decline of the bird populations. There are a few species of snake that have appeared on the islands, but there are continual attempts to eradicate them.

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15y ago

honeycreepers and probably some wild pigs and goats but you won't find the state bird there.

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12y ago

Hawksbill Turtle, Northern Cardinial, Pueo, Cocqui Frog, Green Anole, Hawaiian Monk seal and the Hawaiian Hoary Bat.

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13y ago

nene goose, cow, dog, pig, horse, chicken, fish, crabs

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12y ago

They have cows, birds, rodents, and more! To get more details, Wikipedia Hawaii.

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13y ago

Polar Bear


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14y ago


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Q: Which animals live in Hawaii?
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there is lots of animals you have the monkeys and other diffwernt animals go to to search more about it also i love darahle danils he is myu boo

What stuff does Hawaii have?

Hawaii has turtles and other stuff like that mm I'm sorry I'm just trying to think what there is on Hawaii i live here.there is a beach rivers sea and ocean animals like sharks fish turtles.

What kind of animals are in Hawaii?

Hawaii has 8,800 native species found only in Hawaii.

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