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some pet are playfull

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Some pets are playful.

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15y ago

Some pets are playful.

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Q: Choose the conclusion that validly follows from the argument below All kittens are playful Some pets are kittens?
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What is more playful than dogs?


Why do kittens bite the back of your leg?

Kittens are very playful and they like your attention. They are trying to have fun with you.

Are somailan kittens good for a family?

Yes! they are! they are peaceful and playful!And are very sweet! you can also do your homework and research about somailan kittens...............

Why is Shakespeare like a kitten?

Kittens are playful, while Shakespeare was full of plays.

Do Kittens Smile?

They are usually always playful and happy so they look like they are smiling.

How playful are kittens on a 1 to 10 scale?

Kittens are very playful, but it depends on the type. My cat (Seal Point Ragdoll) when she was a kitten was really playful, probably about a 6-7, but my brothers cat (British Blue Shorthair) wasn't as playful, probably only a 4-5. Cats love objects that seem to move on their own, like if you wriggle a piece of string. They still will be interested in this when their older but not as much. On average I would say about 5-7 for most kittens.

Is it normal for kittens to sleep all day when the are usually very playful?

of course if you really want your kitten to be very playful when it get older then you let it sleep all day. but if your cat that gave birth to the kittens had medical problems then go straight to a vet your kitten may be sick as well.

What adjectives describe kittens?

awesome,creative,glorious,lovely,brilliant,cuddly,curious,amazing,playful,beatiful :)))

What is an example sentence using consonance?

The playful kittens purred and pranced in the meadow.

How do 7-10 week old kittens act?

Kittens at 7-10 weeks are playful, feisty, running around, into everything, climbing, jumping, etc. Then, all of a sudden they collapse and sleep.

Does a dog or a cat play more?

Dogs Because they have more enejy cats can't be bothered but when they are kittens they are sometimes playful.

Who likes kittys?

I like them, but I don't love them! (dogs are better, that's why I only LIKE them!)Crazeh person ^^ D:I love kitties. So cute