At the first sign of infection, a trip to the Dr. is warranted.
A spur injury is a puncture wound, and rooster's spurs have all sorts of bacteria and grossness on them. Depending on the depth of the injury, it could be too deep to clean properly with standard 1st aid items.
I don't have a rooster... therefore it doesn't have a broken leg (in fact, it doesn't have a leg at all), therefore your question is invalid.
Depends on the individual injury. Roosters are capable of inflicting serious harm with their spurs.
The rooster will grow a spur about 2 inches above the back claw and inside the leg. Hens do not grow spurs.
When they get the injections from a rooster's comb, the rooster does have to be killed. They can get rid of a rooster's comb without killing it but it has to be on the first day that it is born.
Clean the eye with a saline solution and apply a warm compress to reduce swelling. Monitor the rooster for signs of infection or vision impairment, and consult a veterinarian if necessary. It may also be helpful to separate the rooster from other aggressive birds to prevent further fights.
Believe me, it can hurt real real bad.
I don't have a rooster... therefore it doesn't have a broken leg (in fact, it doesn't have a leg at all), therefore your question is invalid.
Depends on the individual injury. Roosters are capable of inflicting serious harm with their spurs.
surgery time!
The rooster will grow a spur about 2 inches above the back claw and inside the leg. Hens do not grow spurs.
A bug bit him!
No, infected teeth cannot cause leg pain. However, it is possible for an infected tooth to cause sepsis, or whole body infection, that would not only cause pain in distant sites, but is life threatening.
Foghorn Leghorn is a Leghorn rooster, not a Rhode Island Red.
Yes it could be very harmful. The roosters spurs can be very sharp and dangerous. They could seriously wound or even blind a person or other animal if attacked.
maybe it has an injury or a sore or it could be infected
Yes, since the males are roosters. I have never seen a rooster leg.
From an injured avd infected leg