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6mo ago

A relationship wherein both organisms benefit from each other is called mutualism. This type of symbiotic relationship is characterized by both organisms receiving advantages such as food, shelter, or protection. Examples include the relationship between bees and flowers, where bees obtain nectar and pollen for food while helping pollinate the flowers.

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Q: A relationship wherein both organism benefit from each other is called?
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What do you called the relationship between two different kinds of organism that benefit from living together?

It is a symbiotic relationship.

The symbiotic relationship in which both participating parties benefit is called commensalism?

Actually, a symbiotic relationship in which both parties benefit is called mutualism, not commensalism. In mutualism, both organisms benefit from the interaction, while in commensalism, one benefits while the other is neither helped nor harmed.

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Commensalism benefits one organism and the other organism is neither benefited nor harmed.

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What are animals in symbiotic relation called?

It depends on what type of relationship they have. Parasitism is when one organism lives in or on another organism and harms it. Mutualism is when two organisms benefit from their relationship. Commensalism is when one organism benefits from the relationship and the other is not helped, nor is it harmed.

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The symbiotic relationship between storks and bees is called commensalism. This is when one organism benefits, and the other organism does not benefit, but also isn't harmed.

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The relationship is called mutualism. In mutualism, both organisms benefit from the relationship with no negative impact on either party.

Which symbiosis is a egret an insect eating a bird graze near some herbivores mouth?

The symbiotic relationship that they have is called commensalism. It is a type of relationship wherein one organism benefits from other with the latter not affected by it.

What is the relationship called of an organism living within another organism?

It's called a parasitic relationship.

A relationship where one organism hunts and kills another organism is called?

This is called a predator-prey relationship.

What is the difference between a parasitic and mutualistic relationship?

Both are a relationship between two organisms, called a symbiotic relationship. A parasitic relationship is when one organism gains at the other organism's expense. An example of a parasitic relationship is a tick. A mutualistic relationship is when both organisms gain from each other. An example of this would be honeybees and flowering plants.

What is it called when on organism benefits but the other organism get injered?

A symbiotic relationship called Parasitism.