Well, there really is an endless list, but here are a few:
Daisy (palomino pinto)
Star (any color of horse with a star)
Jasmine (probably a bay)
Delilah (bay or black)
Princess Penelope (any color)
Ladie Sadie (silver dapple)
Midnight Belle (black or black pinto)
Golden Secret (palomino)
A young female, not yet mature (under 4 years old) is called a filly. A female older than 4 is called a mare.
No, names of horses are typically not underlined. It is more common to italicize the names of horses when writing them in a formal document or publication.
There are far more female wild horses and burros than there are male. Many studies have taken place to find out why.
Some female gremlin names could be Gizmo, Stripe, Agatha, and Luna.
Boy horses are called colts when they are young and stallions when they are adults.
there is: a stallion .............................. a male horse a mare.................................. a female horse a filly .................................... a female foal a colt.................................... a male foal
Yes, the female mice's names in Cinderella are mentioned in the movie during the scene where they are transformed into horses to pull Cinderella's carriage. The names of the female mice are Perla, Suzy, and Mary in the original animated film.
Horses in slaughterhouses do not have names anymore.
I reckon that Blanket will be a good name for male appaloosa with a white bum and Naira for a female
They are the offspring of female horses and male donkeys.
Mare - female horse Stallion - male horse which can breed Gelding - male horse that cannot breed Colt - young male Filly - young female
Depends on the horses
The horses names are Journey and Miden Lucy
Yes, mare's (female horses) can have foals.
Female horses sleep in the exact same places as male horses, neither sex has any one preferance when it comes to where they sleep.
The names of Helios' horses are Pyrois, Aeos, Aethon and Phlegon. I assume that Apollo, who is also the sun god, has the same horses.
Female horses are called a mare. Male horses are stallions.