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Over 4000 species of bees can be found in North America, many of them occurring in the Midwest to western States. They are the primary pollinators of plants and agricultural crops. A report published in 2006 by the Committee on the Status of Pollinators in North America, National Research Council, found that pollinator populations in North America are in decline or lack sufficient data to be effectively evaluated.

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What is called male bee?

A male bee is generally called a drone

What is the bee called that is about the size of an ant?

I think it is called a bee ant or maybe a honey bee

What are maie bee called?

A male bee is called a drone.

What is a female bee that lays eggs called?

She is called the Queen Bee.

Is a baby bee called a beeling?

A baby bee is a bee larva.

What is house of bee is called?

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What is an offspring bee called?

... still a bee

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The bee crossed the zoo to make a bee line to the gate. Here is one for you. How do bees travel? They take the buzz.

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The femal bee is called the drones or the worker queen!

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Bee is called "मधुमक्षिका" (Madhumakshika) in Hindi.

What is the sound of bee called in Hindi?

The sound of a bee is called "bhuzz" in Hindi.

What's the name of a baby bee called?

A baby bee is called larvae