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2-5 inch

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Q: What type of wedges should a 14 year old wear?
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Can an 11 year old girl wear 1 inch wedges?

sure why not?

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Are these heels ok to wear for a thirteen year old Just go to Claires website and go to teens and then footwear then the boho wedges?

YES! I am younger--alot younger than 13, (9) and I've wore heels and shoes with wedges. At my brothers 6th grade graduation, some girls wore heels, wedges, and flats and they are either 12 or 11 (unless they go held back). But wear heels!

Should a 14 year old 28A have to wear a bra?

yes she should wear a bra

What should a 16 year old girl wear to a Bon Jovi concert in July?

she should wear clothez

What do you wear at a 8 year old birthday party?

You should wear your best outfit you have and get answer.

How high of heels should a 12 year old wear?

if they have hyperflexible knees, high heels are either really good or really bad, cause on one hand, they stop the feet rolling in, but on the other, they could hurt their ankles. so flats are probably a good option, or low heels/wedges.

What a 40 year old should wear to a club?

It depends on the type of club and what sex the person is. It is best if the person dressed their age and stay within their style.

When should a nine year old wear a sport bra?

I don't think a nine year old should wear one at all. There is no reason why they should wear one. They are to young and they need to let their body develop somewhat.

What should a twelve year old wear to sleep?

Wear pajamas to sleep. Most people do.

What type of heels should a 14 year old girl wear for grad?

I think it depends on your parents. I would say about 3-4 inches

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