Sometimes it just takes an effort on your part to go up and talk to this guy. ALL PEOPLE are nervous when they first meet someone that they are interested in, so don't let that stop you. People have to get to know each other first. Once you've talked to him a few times (and he's pleasant and is listening to you) then perhaps ask him to one of the parties you are going too or a movie. The worst that can happen is he will say no. It won't be the first time in your life this happens and it happens to most of us.
Don't try being someone you aren't such as:
Attracting attention by being the "class clown" Acting sexier than usual Talking loud or swearing Trying to be "cool" when you aren't Don't gain the attention that you have a sexual reputation .. that one leads nowhere and even in today's generation it all ends up "locker room talk."
You should always be true to yourself. If there is something about yourself you don't like such as your hair, the way you dress, then find a good girlfriend that can go along with you and go get a new hairstyle, some NICE CLOTHES (and don't try being too sexy.) Although guys go for all sexy women, they don't take them home to mama! In the end most guys like a girl with moderate looks, moderate body type, good personality and fun to be with. I know some mind bending good looking men and not one of their wives even comes close to a 10. They are happy and content.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Good luck Marcy
Answerto get a bot to notice you, stand back and be yourself, also don't let anyone put you down, aspeccially your freinds. just swing your hips and giggle. don't be afraid to tell him, if you want to ask him out, do it. don't do it in school and don't do it when your surrounded by people.Note to yourself ALL boys like to talk about themselves so get to know the boy ask how he's doin What's his fav sport stuff like that also don't try tp be something your not, you are only kiddin yourself and the boy you like you never know he might like you for being yourself also your uniqueness!
First you have to get the boy to notice you, by doing this think about what he likes and maybe ask your friend for her and you to speak about the certain subject in front of him. not to loud or he'll suspect something. also a good smile does the trick if your eyes do meet maybe give him a small smile, or maybe a little wave. if your sporty and your crush is, there's a subject you can talk about. but remember some boys don't like to talk so be carefull. if you think your girly maybe put your hair in a type of style or something. not tooooo fancy though.
It is not a good idea really because if a guy notices you for this and then sees you without any stuffing he will get a shock and not look at you again. Just use a bra that gives you comfort and be natural and a guy will notice you for who you are.
Make him notice you by talking to him but not in a flirty way and wear your hair different make something stand out about you
You should just be yourself.
pretend to trip it works in the movies why not real life? or bake cupcake.
You can't get him to notice your feet, he has to want to notice your feet.
a guy would notice you if you were laughing alot or just having a good time with ur friends!!
Well,you cant always get a guy to notice you doent matter how badly you want them to but start showing them your good parts and maybe that will make him notice you.
I'm a guy, so I notice girls if they do: 1. takes a lot of initiative and responsibility 2. is attractive 3. is always kind and loving 4. a close friend sorry, but I hope it helps...... But sometimes I notice them if they are funny and does something stupid..... But that's just me......Hope it helped!
Their looks
tell him ... :)
Depends on how long you follow him and at what distance, but eventually he will definitely notice.