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  • I would suggest that you write about how youths are the people who are most flexible and able to learn. Young people can learn habits that are less dependent on fuel than the habits we older people have. Young people, then, can grow up with better habits and make conservation of oil something that is just normal for everyone. This is why youth has a major role in promoting oil conservation.
  • You might also consider that as the supply of oil dwindles, the price rises. It seems to be the youth in any society who complain most about money troubles. One point you might make in this essay is that oil conservation could lead to reduced spending (for individuals) which is especially important for young adults
  • Young people can demonstrate a serious commitment to reducing oil consumption through their choices as they become old enough to drive. Instead of regarding the acquisition of a driver's license as a rite of passage to be followed by acquisition of a vehicle of one's choice to be driven whenever possible, young people could set an example for others by thinking about finding alternative methods of transportation. Bicycles or walking use no oil. Mass transit or car pooling would greatly reduce the amount of oil being used as fewer vehicles were on the road. More efficient vehicles or vehicles that use alternative sources of energy would also reduce the dependence on oil. If they developed these attitudes and habits at a young age, today's young people would carry that lifestyle with them into the future and would pass it on to coming generations.
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Q: What is the role of youth in promoting oil conservations?
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