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Q: What does momma do while the poor white mock in the yard?
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What has the author Lawrence Mock written?

Lawrence Mock has written: 'Poverty and housing' -- subject(s): Poor, Housing

Can you use mock in a sentence?

As a verb: It's unkind to mock someone because they're different from you. As an adjective: Since I've never had turtle soup, I don't know if mock turtle soup tastes like the real thing. As a noun: Poor Brittany Spears has become the mock of the gossip industry.

When was Poor White created?

Poor White was created in 1920.

What is the funniest preferted joke?

Yo momma so poor her friend came over and asked for milk and she said left boob or right boob

Has Margaret Thatcher ever appeared on The Simpsons?

Simpsons Mock Thatcher Today 8th April 2013Strangely the Simpson's cartoon today, mocked Thatcher on the day of her death?Poor taste or coincidence? Is Sky responsible for this poor taste?

What is a good momma joke?

Yo momma is so stupid she kept saying am not to R2 (Star Wars)!Your momma is so stupid she brought a spoon to the super bowlYour momma is so fat she plays pool with the planets.Your mom is so fat she causes a 99.9 earth quake each step she takes.Your momma is so fat that when she was drowning the lifeguard got out a whale net.Your momma is so ugly her mum said what a treasure her dad said lets bury it.Yo momma is like a vacuum cleaner she blows, she sucks and gets laid in the closet.Your mum is so dumb she sat on the TV and watched the sofa.Your momma is so ugly, when God looked down on his own wonderful animals he said, "WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT!"Yo momma was so old when she breast fed that DUST CAME OUT!1. Yo mama so poor she bounces food stamps!2. Yo mama so poor she can't afford to live in a two story Cheerio box!3. Yo mama so poor she can't afford to pay attention!4. Yo mama so poor when I ring the doorbell I hear the toilet flush!5. Yo mama so poor she went to McDonald's and put a milkshake on layaway.6. Yo mama so poor your family ate cereal with a fork to save milk.7. Yo mama so poor burglars break in her house and leave money.8. Yo mama so po' she can't even afford the last two letters.9. Yo mama so poor when I saw her kicking a can down the street, I asked her what she was doing, and she said, "Moving."10. Yo mama so poor when she goes to KFC, she has to lick other people's fingers!

What are the release dates for Poor White and Stupid - 2011?

Poor White and Stupid - 2011 was released on: USA: 7 May 2011

What are the ratings and certificates for Poor White Trash - 2000?

Poor White Trash - 2000 is rated/received certificates of: UK:15 USA:R

Is poor adverb?

No, poor is not an adverb. Poor is a adjective, and poorly is an adverb while poorness is noun.

What kind of people were on the titanic rich or poor black or white?

Mostly poor white people, along with some rich white ones as well. I am sure their was some black people aboard, but the vast majority were white.

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What color are soccerballs?

black and white! White or some are orange (used in poor weather)