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A 17-year-old child cannot move out legally in Montana unless he's been officially emancipated. The parent may be able to get law enforcement to bring the child home if he leaves.

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They can report a run away, possible kidnapping, all sorts of things.

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11y ago

Report them to the police as a runaway. Until they reach the age of 18, they are the responsibility of the parents.

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Q: What can a parent do if a underage teen moves out without permission?
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What happens if parent moves out of state without permission on visitation order?

If a parent moves out of state without permission from the court or the other parent, they may be in violation of the visitation order. The other parent can file a motion with the court to enforce the order or modify it to accommodate the new living arrangements. The court may require the relocating parent to return with the child or make alternative arrangements for visitation.

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In some states, if the custodial parent moves more than 65 miles "as the crow flies" from the original address at the time of the custody agreement and does not get written permission to do so from the non-custodial parent, the court can (and sometimes will) remove the child and place him/her with the non-custodial parent. At that time the non-custodial parent will be given full custody of the child and even if the first parent moves back, they probably will not regain custody again.

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Just on vacation should be fine but he would need your permission if the court order can not be fulfilled or if he moves with the child.

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A parent can be held responsible for the actions and activities of their children until the child reaches the age of majority. In most states this is 18, but it is 17 in some and 19 in others. In most cases the child will be treated as an adult for criminal charges, if they have left home without permission.

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AnswerI've always heard that if you are 17, have a place to stay and a job you can legally move out. Or you could just wait the rest of the year till you turn 18.Answerthat's for your parents to decide not us

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Moving into a foreclosed home without permission is considered illegal trespassing. The rightful owner or bank can take legal action to evict the person from the property. It's important to obtain proper permission or go through the appropriate channels to occupy a foreclosed home.

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Generally, no.

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In Wisconsin, a 17-year-old is considered a minor and typically cannot move out of their parents' house without their permission. Parental consent or emancipation is usually needed for a minor to live independently. If a minor leaves home without permission, their parents can involve law enforcement or seek legal remedies.

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The original order will suffice, they simply must notify the court of their new address and sometimes must get permission from the original court to move the child out of state.

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Contempt of Court, which is consider a Change of Circumstances as regards a custody change. see link below