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Q: What age do children show preference to spend time with a same-sex playmate?
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Is a family pet a good idea?

Yes as it gives the children some responsibility plus a family pet makes an excellent playmate for children. When considering what type of pet to get, please take into consideration how much responsibility and maintenance the pet you choose will be and also what your lifestyle is like in regards to how much time you can spend training, playing with, etc. your pet.

Did Amelia Earhart spend time with her children?

She had no children.

How many hours do children spend in front of the television?

Most American children spend about 3 hours a day watching TV. Nowadays most children tend to spend the rest of the day on their electronic devices.

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How much time do children spend in the classroom versus time spent with parents?

Children spend about 7 hours of their day in a classroom during the school year. Often times they spend an equal amount with their parents.

How did Sioux children spend their time?

playing with there things.

How many hours do children of Germany spend at school?

children of germany spend 5 and a half hours at school

Do working parents spend more time with their children then before?

Some working parents may spend more time with their children than they did before they worked, but some parents may have less time for their children.

Can mother get more child support in Oregon state because the children 15 and 13 do not visit dad like they use to mom has brainwashed them against me step mom and now they refuse to come?

Child support in Oregon is based on the custody schedule and not the actual amount of time the children spend with the parents. If the custody schedule has not been altered then child support should continue based on that schedule, regardless of whether or not the parents are adhering to it. However, the mother may be able to ask the court to review the current schedule and alter it based on the preference of the children. Ultimately, the judge will make the final decision, and not the mother or the children. If a judge decides to alter the schedule so that the children spend more time with the mother, child support will likely increase as well. As a side note, if the mother refuses to adhere to the custody schedule, regardless of the preference of the children, she is violating a court order and breaking the law.

On average how much time do fathers spend with their children?

Not enough!

How did Jay Gould spend his money?

He bought toys for his children.