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just stick with briefs for now, they r the most comfortable to wear out of all underwear, they keep erections in, they are getting really popular and they are just grait

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Q: Should yo wear bikini briefs if your 13?
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Im 12 years old should you wear size briefs?

I'm 13 & I wear them. You should wear whatever you feel comfortable in.

What underwear do 13 year old boys wear?

Usually they wear whatever their mum buys for them.

Are briefs okay to wear if 11?

Yes I am 12 and I wear briefs and my friends aged 12-13 do aswell

Can you wear briefs at 13?

There is no physical reason why a boy cannot wear briefs at any age, it is purely a matter of personal preference. No damage will occur to the genitals as a result of wearing briefs.

What sort of underwear should a 13 year old boy wear for gym class?

that's not entirely true at this age most boys wear boxers or boxer-briefs and your'e type of underwear doesn't help you get a girlfriend at age 13 you shouldn't worry about girlfriends I'm 13 too and I wear briefs. Other boys in my class have boxers and they tease me about it, but boxers don't support you enough. I'll stay with briefs, I sleep in them too and they're comfortable! Mmmmh.

You are a 56kg girl who is 5'2'' can you wear a bikini and you have a flat tummy too?

anyone can wear a bikini.... if you are 13 dont wear something a 25 year old would wear. Be age appropriate not skanky looking

What type of underwear should at 13 year old boy wear with skinny jeans i think a thong what do u think bc all other underwear bunch up?

A 13-year-old boy should not wear a thong. Instead, he can try wearing boxer briefs or briefs with his skinny jeans to avoid bunching up. Look for styles that fit snugly and have a low profile to minimize visibility under the jeans.

Should you wear a bikini even though you are 13 years old and 123 pounds and 5 foot 4?

Yes as long as your parents are ok w/ it , i think your ready =]

Can a 13 year old boy wear a thong bikini?

if you want... nobody can stop you...

Can 12 year olds wear briefs?

If the 12-year-old is fine with it himself/herself, then yes. But be aware of the infections and deceises it might come with it. A 12-year-old should not be forced to not wear underwear, as most people feel more secure when wearing underwear. Do not take that secure feeling away.

Is it ok for a 13 year old boy to wear low rise briefs?

Its fine but they are tight and cause more heat to the testicles reducing sperm count.

Can 13 year olds wear briefs?

I'm 13 & I do. As long as they're made for the wearers age group (they're made for all ages) then it's perfectly fine to be wearing them at any age.