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No, they are not considered an adult at 17. They must be 18 years old.

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Q: Is a 17 year female considered an adult in Indiana?
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Can a 20 year old buy a car in Indiana without a parent?

There is nothing that would prevent it in Indiana. They are considered an adult and can enter into a contract.

Is a 17 year old with a child an adult in the state of Indiana?

{| |- | Indiana has no emancipation statute. Have a child does not make one an adult. Being able to have a child does not mean one can take care of the child. You still must be 18 to be considered an adult. |}

What are the guardian's rights with a 18-year-old still in school in Indiana?

None. The kid is 18 and considered an adult now.

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No, there are no laws regarding dating. And an 18 year old is considered an adult.

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In Indiana, a pregnant 18 year old is not automatically considered emancipated. Emancipation is a legal process that requires a court order. The criteria for emancipation generally include factors such as financial independence and the ability to make legal decisions independently.

Is a seventeen year old considered as an adult in Queensland?

No... To be considered an adult you have to be 18. However, the law may prosecute a 17 year old as an adult in some criminal cases.

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Dogs are generally considered to be mature/adult at a year of age.

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Does a nineteen year old man considered as adult already?

Legally, in the United States, you are considered an adult at the age of 18.

Can a female in high school at 17 year of age be an adult legally?

no 18 is legal adult for everyone

Can a twenty year old female and a fourteen year old male be together in Indiana?

Not if it involves physical relations.

Is a seventeen-year-old an adult?

You are not considered an adult until you are 18 in the United States.