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In order to enlist in the military under the age of 18, you must have permission of the parents. Most states recognize a member of the military as being emancipated, regardless of age.

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Q: If im 17 and enlisted in the military in Illinois can your parents report you as a runaway and make you come home if you move out without their consent?
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If you are 17 in Texas and have enlisted in the military with your parents' consent does that make you emancipated?

Yes, once a minor who is at least the age of seventeen, has received parental permission to enlists in the military or marry and does so, they become "automatically" emancipated.

How old do you have to be in Illinois to get married without parents consent?

You have to be 18.

Can your girlfriend move in with you and your parents at 17 in Illinois without her parents consent if your parents say it ok?

In accordance to Illinois law, no. As a 17-year-old, she would still be considered a minor, and couldn't move in with you without the consent of both her parents and yours (This is assuming you are a minor as well. If not, only her parents's consent is needed).

If enlisted at 17 can you move out without your parents suing the people who you move in with?

If you are enlisted in the service (military) you are emancipated automatically, so technically, yes, you can

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Can a 19 yr old Illinois man get arrested for dating a 16 yr old girl from Illinois with parents consent?


Illinois 15 year old with 18 year old parents do not consent?

You cannot get married.

What is the minimum age requirement to apply for military jobs in the United States?

By federal law, the minimum age for enlistment in the United States Military is 17 (with a parents consent) and 18 (without a parents consent) the maximum age is 35.

Can a 17year old legally move out of their parents house in Illinois?

In Illinois, the legal age of majority is 18. Therefore, a 17-year-old would generally need parental consent to move out of their parents' house. If the 17-year-old believes they are in an unsafe or abusive situation, they may seek assistance from authorities or social services.

How old do you have to be to get married if your fiance is 18 In Illinois?

well I don't know how old you are but in the state of Illinois you have to be 18 years of age or older to get married. Unless you have parental or a guardians consent

If your 17 years old and in the military can you get married without parental consent?

NO. If you are under the age of 18, even if you are in the military, you must have the consent of your parent or guardian. When you entered the military, your parents had to sign a wavier, that wavier does not allow marriage, only service.

In Illinois can a 23 year old get married to a 16 year old that is pregnant?

If the minors' parents consent they can get a marriage license.