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No, since you are still under the age of 18 you cannot with out parents permission and a judge ruling.

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Q: If I'm a mom can move out at im sixteen?
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I have a Kid and im going to be sixteen in April what age can you move out?

When you are no longer a minor, which in most states means you have to be 18.

Can a sixteen year old move out on there own in Geogia?

16 year olds can get married if the girl is pregnant but im not sure about that

When do you celebrate your sweet sixteen?

sweet sixteen is usley celerbrated only when ur sixteen not 12 or 11 only sixteen.

How do you say no to your mom?

im sorry momy but im busy i promise ill do it later

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well im 12 and my dad is 5'11 and my mom is 5'5 and im 5'6 you wouls probably be 5'7 or 5'8 if you stop growing

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when im in bed with your mom

Can my mom kick me out if im on the lease?

not legally

I would like to move out with my seventeen boyfriend and im sixteen. How old do you have to move?

You have to be 18 to move out and live on your own legally. If its okay with your parents, you can go to court, and legally become an adult at 16 or 17 depending on where you live.

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Im A bAnaNa Im A BAnAnA lOoK aT mE moVe!

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Ya know im straight and im doin ya mom

A feeling you get when you are mad?

i think it is because of the thought of the person makes you feel bad inside. i have the same feeling too but i cant breathe or move when i think of them at the moment im mad at my mom so im feeling it now.

You live in Arizona and im 17 years old can I move out of my house without my mom tryin to stop me?

Not unless you have be legally emancipated by a court