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It depends what kind of job you want to do. I believe working behind the bar, security and Redcoats have to be 18. Most other jobs i would think 16 however i am not sure on some jobs such as life guards etc.

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Q: How old do you have to be to work at butlins holiday camps?
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What wold they do to the people that are to weak to work in concentration camps?

The weak, the old and children were gassed as soon as practical after arrival at the extermination camps.

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the Nazi took the Jews to the camps. If the Jews where to old or young to work they would kill them by burning or shooting just because Hitler didn't like Jews. the Jews who work were work to death or hang.

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Most summer camps don't let kids take jobs until age 18.

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I think it is as old you can check in at any hotel.

What did girls at concentraton camps do during the Holocaust?

Those old enough to do so had to work. Children were gassed

What happened to elderly and ill people sent to concentration camps?

Because they are ill and old they would not be able to work. They were most probably sent to the gas chambers after their arrival at the camps.

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I believe the "Choosing" in the concentration camps when Hitler was ruling was when the Jews were being chosen for processing (death) because they cannot work. Usually, the ones chosen were weak, old, and unable to work.

What jobs can a 14-year-old get in Scotland?

Scotland teens who are 14 years old, may be able to work at after school centers. They may also be able to work at summer camps.

What jobs can a 15 year old get in Sparks Nevada?

A 15 year old can work for companies like Wendy's, Chik Fil A, and local grocery stores. They can also work at family restaurants, babysit, work at summer camps or mow lawns.

Can a 17 year old take a 16 year old on holiday?

Depends on the holiday