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Women do not all think with one mind. You would need to ask her.
I imagine it feels painful because the hymen membrane (vaginal lips) is being stretched. Bleeding may occur the first time.

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13y ago

The feeling is extraordinary. So much pleasure. That's if the boy hasn't wanked before having sex for the first time of course. If he's been wanking, there's nothing new. It's just like one of his hand sessions with someone in front of him.

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For him it's just like having normal sex. There will be no pain or bleeding, just pleasure.

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13y ago

He feels stupid,smelly and left out he just lost his life and took apon his doctor and said virginity

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Q: How does it feel for a boy to lose his virginity?
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Virginity is a social construct that can mean different things to different people. For some, it may be defined by heterosexual vaginal sex, while for others, it may be any sexual experience. It is up to the individual to determine when they feel they have lost their virginity.

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because ''virginity'' is defined as when a girl actually has sex with someone....girl or boy....with another person basically.... :P

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First, communicate your boundaries clearly and firmly if you are not comfortable with his request. It is important to prioritize your own comfort and well-being. Respectfully decline if you do not want to engage in that kind of intimacy.

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The only way to lose your virginity is if you have penetrative inter-coarse with another person.

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no he did not

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If a virgin has I.V.F treatment and get pregnant is she a virgin?

Of course! You can only lose your virginity by having sex. There needs to be penetrating to lose your virginity.

Can a female lose her virginity with celery?

No only sexual intercourse can do that. If she has a hymen it can break but that is not her virginity.

Did lose Ashley Tisdale her virginity?

Yes!! to me

how do should be to lose my virginity?

Have body with a man

What should you do for a sweet sixteen?

Lose your virginity.

Can virgins pull out?

Yes, and you lose your virginity.