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ysally th girl likes u if she hangs with u alot more the any of the other guys but if she hangs with them sorry most likely she doesnt like u bud

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Q: How do you know if a girl likes you when she flirts with a lot of guys?
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She is probably a big flirt...ask her if she likes you..

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most guys dont chase they wait

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if the girl laughs at ur jokes or flirts with u

How can you be sure that a girl likes you if she flirts with other guys and you're friends but if you asked her out and she said no she would tell all of her girlfriends?

The girl proably likes you she just doesn't want you to know because shes not ready yet, or she reallylikes oneof your friends and just flirts with everyone else just to cover up the crush!

How do you know if a girl likes someone i know please advise?

If she flirts with you and seems generally interested in what you have to say, then yes, she probably likes you.

How do you know if a guys likes you but one of your friends said that her friend said that he likes her?

have a friend ask him for you if he really likes you...or you could flirt with him and see if he flirts back.

How do you know if a guy likes you if he flirts with a lot of girl?

Just Go Up To him And Ask Him Its Easy.(:

How do you know if a girl likes you by random hugs all the time?

If a girl is randomly hugging you all the time, it is possible that the girl likes you. However, you can also tell if she likes you if she flirts in other ways or talks to you a lot.

How does a girl know that a guy likes them?

he either flirts really badly or becomes mean but says that he is only joking

I like a girl we have been friends for a while.The problem is i don't know if she likes me back i think she flirts with me but i also think she flirts with my best friend. How to tell who she likes?

ask her who she likes more and if she likes your friend more pinch her and tell her off hahahahahah muahahaha

Why is it so hard for guys to get the hint that a girl likes them?

Guys find it hard to get the hint that a girl likes them because they may not know how to read body language.